We saw the Europe's deadliest earthquakes. A magnitude 5.1 quake killed at least eight people in southern Spain on Wednesday, sending buildings crashing down as panicked residents fled for their lives.
Some traceability comes here. There are some papers that refer to the year 2011, then there is also no provision with regard to Rome and the date of 11 May 2011, where there are lists of data, calculations made by Raffaele Bendandi, as they say, he thrown into the fire itself and recovered immediately after in detail.
Raffaele Bendandi (1893 – 1979) developed his own theory about the nature of earthquakes, however, without any objective evidence.
He did believe, according Bendandi´s hypothesis, that earthquakes are caused by planetary alignment in the solar system – that the moon, sun, and other planets have gravitational influence on the movements of the earth's crust. He formulated theory so colled seismogenic, with which the forecast is about the movements of the earth's crust ana earthquakes.
Those taughts go with the line of wishdom by
Rudolf Steiner,
Max Heindel and madame
Blavatsky. Also
Jan van Rijckenborgh talked about causal relation between levels of micro-cosmological and macro-cosmological calculated the conditions for influence overall structure of the universe.
However, Bendandi was self-taught and never published a verifiable scientific exposition of his theory. His studies and his predictions never uderstsood nothin about premises of Bendandi. And this construction hasn´t theoretical justification from the scientific community.
Over 20 tremors did strike Italy on Wednesday, but it was in Spain, around 800 miles to the west, that a devastating quake struck. One 1915 prediction by seismologist Raffaele Bendandi was that the big one would strike on May 11, 2011.

According to
Reuters shops with signs reading 'Closed for serious family reasons' in the Chinatown district in Rome. As the earthquake hit Spain, one in five residents of Rome stayed off work and children were kept out of school over earthquake fears following a 1915 prediction by seismologist Raffaele Bendandi.
800 miles,
as we say, a man is fallible.
Then the next devastating earthquake will again occur in 2012 - also prediction by Raffaele Bendandi.
But unfortunately or fortunately, Bendandi not mention the location of earthquake.
According to
Daily Telegraph list of the deadliest quakes that following have been hitten Europe over the last century:
Spain: Double earthquake kills ten in southern Spain 12 May 2011 and May 11, 2011: At least eight people died when a magnitude 5.1 quake rocked southern Spain.
It was the deadliest earthquake in Spain since April 19, 1956 when a tremor wrecked buildings and killed 11 people in Albolote, a town in the southern Spanish province of Granada.
In 1884 more than 800 people died in a quake in the region surrounding the southern city of Granada.
Greece: Ougust 12, 1953: A magnitude 7.2 quake killed 476 people on the Greek islands of Zakinthos and Cephalonia.
September 7, 1999: A quake killed 143 people in Athens and the region north of the capital.
The deadliest quake in Greece, Europe's most quake-prone country, hit on April 3, 1881 when 3,550 people died.
Quake worry leads to Rome exodus 11 May 2011.
December 28, 1908: A massive quake rocked southern Italy and left about 95,000 people dead in the Sicilian port city of Messina and in Reggio di Calabria, across the Strait of Messina.
January 13, 1915: A quake in the central Abruzzi region killed 30,000 people.
November 23, 1980: The southern Campania and Basilicata regions were rocked by a quake that left 2,916 people dead in the Naples region.
April 6, 2009: About 300 people died in a quake that devastated the region around the city of L'Aquila in the Abruzzi mountains.
France: June 11, 1909: A magnitude 6 quake killed 46 people in the southern Provence region and left several villages devastated.
Provence was also rocked by a tremor that left 5,000 people dead in 1227.
Portugal: The Portuguese capital Lisbon was practically wiped out by one of the worst quakes in European history on November 1, 1755 killing tens of thousands.