Men hittills har vi gjort vårt bästa för att stabilisera euroområdet,säger Katainen i en intervju i FT tidningen.
Statsministern betonar nu att det nationella ansvaret för tillväxten av den offentliga skulden inte kan läggas ut på andra länder.(?)
Varför inte ?
Men om läget är hopplöst måste vi tänkab på stabiliteten i euroområdet och vara redo att hjälpa i, säger Katainen, är ytterst pragmatiska i den här frågan.
Tjaa, enligt vanligt sunt förnuft det ska hända snabbt.
Där ska finnas att stödja statsministerns parti Samlingspartie - ja, i nästa mätning den kan vara ca 10 procent.
FT: Finland prime minister ready to support further eurozone bailouts.
FT ask: why are we sending or lending more money to countries that have not done their homework?
These feelings are `justified´ and pro-European parties must understand this,Mr Katainen said, calling for concrete actions that address Europe’s problems rather than `philosophical discussions´. He said “more Europe” required action on defence and security, according to him the single market, the energy sector and rule of law.
But we remember his `philosophical discussions´ with a snake_oil_seller Pekka Himanen.
Mr Katainen, 42, is one of several possible candidates of the centre-right European People’s party federation to succeed José Manuel Barroso as European Commission president late next year and his recent focus on southern Europe is seen by some diplomats as aimed at garnering their support.
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"Everything that you never got, but I got it in to my purse." |
Perhaps this case, was designed to increase his glory - like some serous thinker, but became the worst boob of his career.
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