Fingepori by P. Jarla. |
Martin Luther (
1483-1546) yielded by the influenced of
Rosicrucianism - among other things, a description of the creature, which, in theosophical dogmatism and other hand by anthroposophical literature were named the watchman of the threshold.
According to
Rudolf Steiner Luther was a clairvoyant, but not in the same way as the self-conscious modern man can be.
He was as a relic from a period of atavistic clairvoyance.
All in discouraging materialism believes that he was just in psychosis,
Steiner was regularly telling his audience to distinguish between atavistic clairvoyance and the new experience of the supersensible, which is based on freedom and clear day-light knowledge.
If earlier still, in the time of Luther, such incidents were asserted by the asral world to have occurred, yet at the beginning of the last century it was clearly true that the earnestness of spiritual work on the part of the Society constituted a compensation for whatever wrong thing had taken place. Moreover, the occurrences had been left behind.
Trance, mediumship, visions, second sight, remote viewing, hypnosis are atavistic symptoms and the clairvoyant knowledge these can give is tainted by a definitely regressive state of mind.
Rudolf Steiner in 1901.
Januar 1919: Motto des Leitbildes, `Leben in der
Liebe zum Handeln und Lebenlassen im Verständnis
des fremden Wollens ist die Grundmaxime
des freien Menschen.´ |
Perhaps this sounds harsh: but it is the plain truth, something what we cannot escape no longer.
Also we must understand that clear day-light consciousness can never be compared to shamanism because Steiner regarded shamanism is same as atavistic clairvoyance.
Kalevala is a good example.
This epochical book has become a demonized by this way, that it can be possible use as a drug, such as neo-Nazis used to do.
Sure, Steiner tried to correct the, if we say, huge mistakes of Blavatsky in Occult Science - an outline. He was thrown out of the Theosophical Society by
Annie Besant and others.
Necessary was not done.
For this reason, many of
H. P. Blavatsky' s books are ruined, and all the
Pekka Ervast's production works now like drug using in cults. Also it book-using akin to connect to an intermediary for the astral forces. There is something in common with those whom used to do at treshold, were smashed it by