22-year-old Finnish woman was begun citing the masculine when she borrowed his boyfriend´s bathrobe. A man known to have used testosterone cream on. He had had typical male body building hobby.
Acccording to Medical Journal, the woman's symptoms were manly hair growth, acne, bald headlands around hemp and enlarged clitoris.
Soon symptoms were significantly reduced, and testosterone levels had dropped to normal when the woman had moved into the residence and left hers the bodybuilding boyfriend.
Only boyfriend´s bathrobe?
They never had the so-called `direct contact´ with each other?
They didn´t make love, for example? An ordinary hormon user bodybilding doesn´t want to fuck ?
No, it is ether, the ether which will conveyed. This is the reason why I never, nor the actual vegetarians normally not, use leather clothes.
Also as in karma can something conveyed from bearing to other along ether.
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