(if it is not too weak for the job).
From 2012 to 2014, the Swedish Ministry of Justice and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (
ISD) are partnering on a pan-European project aiming to enhance understanding of what works in preventing and countering far-right extremism.
Please, see at
Preventing and Countering Far-Right Extremism.
These reports were commissioned as part of the project to document the history, existence and varieties of far-right extremism in 10 countries: Sweden,
UK, the Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Slovak Republic.
According to writer
Ann-Cathrine Jungar right-wing extremism in Finland has been characterised by both continuity and change. It has simultaneously been shaped by Finnish national
political culture and embedded in international trends.
Both historical right-wing ideologies (i.e.fascism and Nazism) and more recent ideologies from new radical right and counter-Jihad movements have found resonance in Finnish society. These ideologies have, however, been reshaped to resonate with salient domestic issues: anti-communism, the protection and advancement of Finnish culture and language, and integration into the EU.
Although right-wing extremist organisations were prohibited between 1944 and 1989 under the terms of the peace treaty with the Soviet Union, far-right ideologies and sentiments have nonetheless been constant elements in Finnish politics. Right-wing extremism has, with some exceptions, tended to develop in the form of parliamentary political parties, and has therefore probably been less prone to extra-parliamentary violence
than the phenomenon in other European countries.
Suomen Sisu was founded in 1998 out of groups of youth, largely male, coming from a variety of backgrounds in Helsinki. These youth admired AKS and had connections to a re-formed version of IKL
from the 1990s.
Yes, I remember, it was like a very cold wind hit from somewhere.
I suspected that if people are still so stupid that eating again that the wrath of mass-psychology. They did it.
According to country report
Suomen Sisu was the youth organisation of the Association of Finnish Culture and Identity until 2000, when cooperation between the groups ended when the media reported that some members of Suomen Sisu had neo-Nazi-connections. Suomen Sisu and its membership are closely linked to the website Hommaforum.
The online forum
Hommaforum has fostered discussions that have led to the founding of new political parties (for example, Muutos 2011). It has often been a space for deliberations between extreme right activists on political strategies and how best to attain political influence in Finland. For example, for the populist political party True Finns, the decision on whether to form a separate political party or join an existing party was partly carried out on this online forum.14 The forum has been critical in connecting to statements where connected Islam with paedophilia.
Ann-Cathrine Jungar. |
Some one said that there were a need for strong military invention to quell demonstrations against the EU requirements for Greece.
Similarly, in 2011,
James Hirvisaari was sentenced for hate speech ater statements against Muslims.
Ann-Cathrine Jungar points out that following this incident, in 2012 Hirvisaari’s assistant,
Helena Eronen, declared on Facebook (repair of: on her blogg) that immigrants and sexual minorities should wear armbands, harkening back to Nazi enforcement of Jewish identiication badges. When Hirvisaari supported his assistant following this incident, he was expelled from the True Finns for five months.