— 𝖕𝖚𝖘𝖘𝖞 𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖙💦 #PUSSYVERSE (@pussyrrriot) December 30, 2021
two of Pussy Riot, Nadya Tolokonnikova and Nika Nikulshina, were added to the government list of "foreign agents" & required to start every tweet w this disclaimer
- kanava totuudenetsintään ihmisestä ja maailmasta. jäikö jotain olennaista vielä sanomatta?
- Kanal för att hitta sanningen från mannen och världen. finns det någonsin att säga?
- Seeking truth from facts.
Жизнь в глубже!
Here we go

We ´re playing, `couse we like it. The subscription from here.
Now: I´m gonna present some of my texts in three languages with simple accompaniment at next TEXTfirst night.
Get your ass at Henry´s pub
I w
The Next gig
.. and you will also see me in Kuopio on the gig-stage at the lake of Valkeinen about at fourte
Ro sitt röv hit och s
The solo-gig on the Kuopio's VR-Ma
den spelningen på Kuo
det kommer att
31 dec. 2021
Here we go
Two innocent of Pussy Riot, Nadya Tolokonnikova and Nika Nikulshina, were added to the government list of "foreign agents" & required to start every tweet w this disclaimer:
I propose this kind of disclaimer clause to the Kreml: we are the world's biggest criminals to for stealing Russian state funds.
30 dec. 2021
Russia would not tolerate independent reckoning of its past
The Memorial Human Rights Center, the daughter organisation of International Memorial, was founded as Gorbachev allowed reporting on Stalin's million of victims - its closure shows that "Russian civil society being dismantled at lightning speed", according to The Guardian.
This was a bad year for rights in Russia, International Memorial's closure stands out for its ruthlessness.
Criminals in the Kreml can do nothing but try to stay in power by any means so that they are not hold accountable for their colossal crimes they have committed - with the change of power.
28 dec. 2021
True about the emperor
Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo by Hippolyte Bellangé (1800-1866). |
On October 14, Goethe and Wieland were each awarded the cross of the Legion of Honour by Napoleon.
Goethe revealed no details about about his conversations with Napoleon until many years later (In 1828, Goethe told all about that to his friend Johann Peter Eckermann):
... so Goethe said of Napoleon Bonaparte:
"His life was the stride of a demi-god, from battle to battle, and from victory to victory. "
"It might well be said of him, that he was found in a state of continual enlightenment. "
"On this account, his destiny was more brilliant than any the world had seen before him, or perhaps will ever see after him."
Napoleon lost his light.
In 1815, Napoleon was defeated and exiled to the remote South Atlantic island of St. Helena, where he died on May 5, 1821.
Napoleon soon reincarnated as a teosophical writer (Pekka Ervast) in remote Finland. His works glorify Goethe as one of the wisest people in the world.
In his own opinion, as an emperor, he had eventually been too selfish. The task was to unite Europe and not to conquer Russia.
henkinen tietoisuus,
sivilisaation kehityshistoria,
26 dec. 2021
25 dec. 2021
OVD-Info supposedly ‘foreign agent’
According to Aljazeera one Russia communication watchdog Roskomnadzor media regulator takes action against ‘foreign agent’ OVD-Info as Kremlin crackdown on dissent rumbles on.
Now Russia blocks website of protest monitoring group OVD-Info.
OVD-Info – which has, for years, documented anti-Kremlin protests and provides legal support to victims of political persecution – said on Saturday that the Roskomnadzor media regulator had moved to restrict access to its site earlier this week.
The website currently shows a message saying access to it is restricted on the basis of a federal law on information, information technologies and data protection.
In September this year, Russia declared OVD-Info, which was founded during the first mass protests against President Vladimir Putin’s criminal governance in December 2011, a ‘foreign agent’ in a move critics say is designed to stifle dissent.
18 dec. 2021
På two gång idag kl. 15 och kl.18 i Borgå Domkyrka - där Runebergskören Borgå Sångarbröder sjungar igen
Lördagen 18.12 kl. 15 och 18 Julkonsert, Runebergskören BSB.
Runebergskören BSB, där (BSB) står för Borgå Sångarbröder, är en manskör verksam i Borgå,
Finland. I folkmun brukar man ofta lämna bort akronymen BSB och förkorta körens namn till enbart Runebergskören.
Kören grundades år 1923 och den har 2019 drygt 50 aktiva sångare.
Stämuppdelningen är traditionell för manskör, det vill säga första tenor, andra tenor, första bas och andra bas.
14 dec. 2021
Get your motor runnin'
Born to Be Wild by Steppenwolf. |
Japanese motorcycles finally came to Finland in the early 1970s.
The pace was unprecedented. Low-power motorcycles were used to driving through winters.
Head out on the highway
Looking for adventure
In whatever comes our way
Yeah, darlin' gonna make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once
And explode into space
I like smoke and lightnin'
Heavy metal thunder
Racing with the wind
And the feeling that I'm under
13 dec. 2021
A nordic welfare state's prime minister says ...
World's happiest people live in Finland.
New Zealand
And Finland is cool too. A nordic welfare state that wants to be climate neutral by 2035. World's happiest people live in Finland.
— Sanna Marin (@MarinSanna) December 13, 2021
The world lies in a way.
New Zealand
Why Finns came top in the happiness ratings four times in a row.
The World Happiness Report uses data from interviews of more than 350,000 people in 95 countries, conducted by the polling company Gallup. The rankings are not based on factors like income or life expectancy, but on how people rate their own happiness on a 10-point scale.
“We believe that these subjective, or self-perceived evaluations are a more reliable way to tell how good life is,”
says Shun Wang, professor of the KDI School of Public Policy and Management in South Korea and one of the authors of the report.
10 dec. 2021
I'm just smiling not laughing.
The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.
Jimmy talks about Pfizer’s good news about its vaccine and the Omicron variant and Finland’s prime minister missing an alert to quarantine herself because she was out nightclubbing.
Jimmy laughs at that: when Finland’s prime minister comes home from the road, President Biden in the United States goes to piss.
By the way.
Sanna Marin became the world’s youngest prime minister when appointed in 2019, sure, but she has previously been the target of criticism over parties at her official residence and social media posts in which she poses with friends or appears to promote fashion accessories.
And we're just waiting for her to grow up into an adult - one day.
4 dec. 2021
It must be a sign of a lost civilization
Part 2, a continuation from this 1.
Why is there so little text to be found about the ancient relics that move the foundations of science? This also applies to Göbekli Tepe.
See the Top 10 mysterious historical sites in the world: Underwater Pyramids in Portugal.
The discovery was accidentally made by a local sailor who was looking for good fishing grounds.
It was made at last by used digital scanning devices to help a local fisherman's locate the hidden pyramid.
It was found (in 2013 or in 2016) in an area of the Atlantic Ocean that has been covered by water for around over 10,000 years.
This would be coinciding with the last great ice age of the northern hemisphere where the glaciers started melting 2,000 years earlier.
Experts reckon whoever was living there before the ice age was probably responsible for building the pyramid.
The 'sunken Atlantis pyramid' was found off the coast of the Azores islands. It was discovered between the islands of Terceira and São Miguel, the biggest island on the archipelago, and everyone who has seen it is saying that the structure is perfectly square.
An intensive exploration launched by the Portuguese Navy is underway. Still? What is this `Portuguese Navy´?
How is their scientific competence?
There will be generally believed that the pyramids can only be the vestige of the lost city Atlantis, an advanced legendary prehistoric civilization.
The discovery should now be surrounded by the best scientific communities in the world.
Where are the scientific publications from this subject?
They can just keep quiet?
By the way,
According to National Geographic whole ancient `Lost Continent´ discovered in Indian Ocean
New evidence of old rocks further demonstrate the landmass `drowned´ during continental breakup about 85 million years ago.
Estimates of millions of years are out of date, old -fashioned now.
3 dec. 2021
I guess this underwater Pyramid is trying to be forgotten
National Geogprahic did not mention the Pyramid of the Azores in their own two-hour documentary.
By the way, the film was a meritorious one.
I saw it on the natgeoTV: executive produced by James Cameron, Atlantis Rising is a detective-journalistical thriller that seeks out, uncovers and explores artefacts such as archaeological finds, satellite photographs and manuscripts hiding in plain sight and underwater. The one off special attempts to decode the artefacts in order to further the investigation and get to the bottom of the story.
What more about Azories.
There was find one big underwater pyramid: is the Atlantis located near Azores.
A Portuguese sailor says that he has discovered a large underwater pyramid, between the islands of Sao Miguel and Terceira, in the Azores.
Discoverer Diocleciano Silva couldn't believe what his eyes were telling him. As he was sailing in the Atlantic Ocean looking for fish, he spotted a perfectly-shaped pyramid structure on the sonar.
After rechecking the GPS devices and maps, Silva confirmed that the unknown underwater construction was lying only at 40 meters.
Square, and aligned with the four cardinal compass directions. The pyramid's base is estimated to have 8000 square meters.
The pyramid was found in an area of the mid-Atlantic that has been underwater for about 20,000 years (or just 10,000 to 12,000 when the Atlantis sank).
Plato described Atlantis disappearing in a single day and night, swallowed by the ocean, directly there where the Azores stand today.
The strange discovery was reported to the Portuguese Hydrographic Institute.
The Portuguese Hydrographic Institute of the Navy currently has the job of analyzing the data to determine whether or not the structure is man-made.
“The pyramid is perfectly shaped and apparently oriented by the cardinal points,”
Silva told Diário Insular, the local newspaper.
Sure, the legendary Atlantis is the ultimate sailor's dream.
What are the secrets behind the Azorean submerged pyramid?
This islands were mountain peaks in old Atlantis.
And then Is it the work of man or only a natural coincidence?
Not at all.One pyramid we can se on the ground at Azories.
Pyramids have been built in nearly all corners of the world.
The whole paradigm of archeology and all nature science is faltering.
It would also be important to protect new discoveries so that skeptics do not destroy them.
Giant Underwater Pyramid Found Near Azores Island:
henkinen tietoisuus,
sivilisaation kehityshistoria
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