Here we go

All band: Me, myself, I and Heikki (the bass player gets a job), we´ll take some gigs sometimes in clubs and other good places.
We ´re playing, `couse we like it. The subscription from here.
(Next gig 29.6.2011 - Get your ass at K-Klubi)
Next gig: 28.7 - Hiili, Aurinkoterassi). My regards.
Get your ass at Resistori-Klubi: Next gig: 29.9.2011 .. .. !
Next gig 1.5 at Kuopio Market Square at 14.00.
Next gig playing for Save the Rupla, 28.7.12 at Piispanpuisto (at Bishop´s Park of Kuopio).
Now: I´m gonna present some of my texts in three languages  with simple accompaniment at next TEXTfirst night.
Get your ass at Henry´s pub  15.1.2013 at 22h, for my please,..and the new gig: April 16nd.
I will get my ass and quitar to Lekkeri 13.4.2013 @ Helmi's birthday party with streetpunk.
the next time you will see me in Kuopio will be 26th May 2013. there comes a gig ... at Pushkin's statue to start at 12:00.
Next gig playing for Save the Rupla, 23th November 2013 at Rupla. Starts at 14:00 -> Get your ass on there where occurs!
Nästa min spelning ska finnas på Nykterhetshuset 2014/12/04 (kl 11:00) i Kuopio. Hör du, som nya arbetarklassmusik, några bra låtar.
The Next gig will be May 1, 2014 on Kuopio Market Square's stage at 9.00.
.. and you will also see me in Kuopio on the gig-stage at the lake of Valkeinen about at fourte
en May 1, 2014.

hemmagården på onsdag, den 28:e dagen kl 21 i denna månad ->
Ro sitt röv hit och se:
The Old Union Band.
The solo-gig on the Kuopio's VR-Magazine at 8/08/2015 Saturday. There will be some kind of antifascist theme. Get your ass there at 19:00. The next gig at same place at 29/8/
den spelningen på Kuopios marknadstorget den lördag, 12 september (2015) klockan 11 framåt.
det kommer att
finnas upproret nu!
Live at BilliardCenter oct 30, 2015. The FridayBand.
scenen 6 augusti `16 på Peräniemenkasino i Kuopio.
Följande gig på scenen 12 augusti `17 vid Peräniemenkasino i Kuopio-stad.
Gig på Peräniemenkasino den 4 september 2021. Jag har startat nya soloalbumsinspelningar.

Ps. Someone did ask,
my first album The Desert Songs is sold out.
I `m sorry.
(we are working with the new material)
(Update 20.9.11: Heikki has left the band.)
Pena Tikanmäki came in on bass.
I'm making a new record..
(Update 08.7.12: ROH Band Mark II works)
(Update 30.3.14: The Old Union Band has been formed)
(Update 30.8.15) the newly named: Fridayband.
(Update 20.9.11: Heikki has left the band.)
Pena Tikanmäki came in on bass.
I'm making a new record (update: 15.11.2023

27 sep. 2019

We remember you.

 I learned how to play craps and High Chicago, 
said man called The Anti-Clapton, Rocky Hill.
So here comes Rocky Hill, perhaps the wildest and scariest – both onstage and off –  of all the white-boy Texas blues guitarists.
In a career that has seen more fits and starts than a stick-shift car driven by a 15-year-old, Hill is hoping to finally get into gear at the age of 46. His show at the Continental Club on July 18, backed by drummer Eric Reininger and bassist Rock Romano, is his fifth since he launched his comeback at the spring 2002.
American Blues were an American 1960s Texas-based garage rock band, who played a psychedelic style of blues rock music influenced by the 13th Floor Elevators.
Around 1968 Rocky left the band, and the remaining two members (Dusty Hill brothers and Frank Beard)  joined the recently formed ZZ Top.
Rocky Hill continued to tour around Texas, and elsewhere, becoming one of a number of guitarists well-known within the state for their blues guitar prowess, such as Rocky Athis and Charlie Sexton. In this role, his playing in Austin there were said to have been an influence on guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan's formative years, as well. He sometimes referred to himself as The Anti-Clapton, and one writer with the Houston Press called Rocky perhaps the wildest and scariest – both onstage and off – of all the Texas white-boy blues guitarists.
I like,
hi, can someone give me the lyrics about HPD?
I will play it.

26 sep. 2019

Antti Tuuri skriver om riktiga saker

Idag talar man mycket om att vissa människor läser helt enkelt inte böcker.
Dom tänker inte alls.
Det kommer att berövas dem sina förmåga att tänka själva.
Här kommer ett dokument (på finska) om yttrandefrihetens gränser.

24 sep. 2019

On the gray zone

Sorm has not just the equipment
and the software necessary
for carrying out legal interception.
Russian Government is applying still a strict surveillance on the Internet within the country. We remember the Kremlin has developed year 2014 a system code named Sorm-2 to monitor Russian citizens.
Who has made original Sorm-systems to Russia?
Now we know something about that.
UpGuard has disclosed a data breach that compromised the security of old Russian telecommunications infrastructure.
This breach includes details of the FSB's Sorm, surveillance system.
Read Telecommunications Breakdown: How Russian Telco Infrastructure was Exposed

A storage device, made by Nokia, containing 1.7 terabytes of information detailing telecommunications installations throughout the Russian Federation was exposed to the public internet.
In an email to UpGuard, Nokia states the data set
was a hand-over folder
from a Nokia employee to an unnamed third party.
The unnamed third party then
failed to follow his company’s business processes, security policies and his personal responsibility to protect it.
The rsync server was not directly hosted by Nokia, claims
Why Nokia manufactures data phishing systems ?
And it does it to the Russia.
it can be also the moral question.
And that's clearly it.

20 sep. 2019

Det passar för Etnogalan

bild©Helena Antikainen
Där inget stelt umgänge utlovas, trots att det handlar om en prisgala, i stället är det dags att glädjas och njuta av musik och dans.
Rockklubben Tavastia förvandlas till en etnoklubb med två scener 9.1.2020 kl. 19. Stämningen på Tavastia passar Etnogalan
Vid själva galan varvas imponerande uppträdanden med prisutdelningar på olika scener. Yle streamar galan direkt på Yle Arenan. Dessutom görs tre TV-program om kvällens artister som sänds under våren på Yle Teema. Galan sänds också direkt via Yle Radio 1. Programmen kan ses och höras via Yle Arenan även utanför Finland.

Folkdräkt är en Facebookgrupp (i bilden) grundad 2010 (med 8500 medlemmar) för alla som är intresserade av folkdräkter. Dess syfte är att dela med sig av fakta och färdigheter samt väcka diskussion och tankar.

17 sep. 2019

Vad synd

u kräver att alla avgång från The New York Times, alla som är involverade i Brett Kavanaughs smear-berättelsen. Det är okej, men sedan koplar du allt vad du vill i den här saken - och du förstör hela saken.

10 sep. 2019

Polisen gjorde den

Förra veckan utförde CKP flera husrannsakningar på flera olika håll i Finland, de mest uppmärksammade skedde i Borgå, Tusby och i Tammerfors.
i verkligheten polisen slog till på flera olika orter: också på Åbo, Jyväskylä, Lahtis, Joensuu, Vanda, och Helsingfors. Dom slog till mot kriminella gänget United Brotherhood - hundratals vapen och tiotals kilogram narkotika har beslagtagits
Då gavs inte mycket information om fallen, men senare avslöjade CKP att det handlar om ett enormt fall av organiserad brottslighet.
Ari Lahtela från CKP säger att organisationerna har fått insiderinformation direkt av polisen. Han preciserar att det hör ihop med fallet Jari Aarnio, men exakt hur det har gått till eller om Aarnio själv gjort sig skyldig till något berättar han inte.

6 sep. 2019

Om klimatkrisen

Är alla klimatforskarna överens om klimatkrisen och dess orsaker?
Nej, men spelar det någon roll?
Det är som om försiktighetsprincipen aldrig existerat.
Men denna försiktighetsprincip finns räcktlig orsaken att göra allt som man kan göra.
Det finns gott om dem som är beredda att kasta försiktighetsprincipen på sophögen och glatt ignorera alla risker, och kasta mer kol under pannan, baserat på den pyttelilla sannolikheten att några enstaka tvivlare har rätt, 
skriver Marcus Rosenlund.
Jag är en "enstaka tvivlare", men tycker jag riskerna finns så strora, att allt som är möjligt moste göras.

5 sep. 2019

"It’s very difficult to imagine a solution to global crises without Russia"

The call by Finland, which holds the EU’s rotating presidency, echoes similar pleas by other countries in the bloc.

President Emmanuel Macron of France has been particularly proactive, courting both sides in an effort to resolve the Ukraine crisis.

Read more from Financial Times.

Белая смерть

 "Koko sodassa oloaikanani ammuin noin 500 ryssää."
Photo: Hannu Rissanen
One man was a renowned sniper during the Winter War between Finland and the Soviet Union. The fighting, which began in November 1939 and ended in a Russian victory in mid-March, was fiercest along Finland’s eastern border, in Karelia. Read something about Simo Häyhä, (1905 - 2002), whose life this story imaginatively elaborates on.
Häyhä wrote his own diary in 1939 and 1940 about his own war experiences and so on. This booklet was lost until the heirs of Häyhä recent discovered the texts:
Throughout my war, I shot about 500 rounds Russians.
The White Death, like russians called him, was a homosexual, probably: his best friend's name (after the war) was Mikael Hallikainen.
Simo Häyhä pretty much concealed his tendencies, and after the war he lived his life in Ruokolahti but his life was threatened many times.
Both male and female same-sex sexual activity have been legal in Finland since 1971 with some kind of promotion thereof decriminalized and the age of consent equalized in 1999, and homosexuality declassified as an illness in 1981. Discrimination based on sexual orientation in areas such as employment, the provision of goods and services, etc, was criminalized in 1995 and discrimination based on gender identity in 2005.
Same-sex marriage and joint adoption by same-sex couples were approved by the Finnish Parliament in 2014, and the law took effect on 1 March 2017.
But listen: over the war times it was a hard crime.