She's a charmer like you never seenby Steely Dan, Pearl of the Quarter, 1973.
- kanava totuudenetsintään ihmisestä ja maailmasta. jäikö jotain olennaista vielä sanomatta?
- Kanal för att hitta sanningen från mannen och världen. finns det någonsin att säga?
- Seeking truth from facts.
Жизнь в глубже!
Here we go

We ´re playing, `couse we like it. The subscription from here.
Now: I´m gonna present some of my texts in three languages with simple accompaniment at next TEXTfirst night.
Get your ass at Henry´s pub
I w
The Next gig
.. and you will also see me in Kuopio on the gig-stage at the lake of Valkeinen about at fourte
Ro sitt röv hit och s
The solo-gig on the Kuopio's VR-Ma
den spelningen på Kuo
det kommer att
28 jan. 2019
vila i frid, Olli
Journalisten Olli Ainola har gått ur tiden
- lämnat oss -
när Olli dog fanns han bara 60 år gammal.
Han hade en allvarlig sjukdom.
På en gång var vi på samma arbetsplats,
och ömsesidig respekt bibehölls under hela livet.
Jag vill lämna honom farväl.
hVila i fred min vän.
- lämnat oss -
när Olli dog fanns han bara 60 år gammal.
Han hade en allvarlig sjukdom.
På en gång var vi på samma arbetsplats,
och ömsesidig respekt bibehölls under hela livet.
Jag vill lämna honom farväl.
hVila i fred min vän.
24 jan. 2019
Sometimes I find what I really want to read.
Terminal Lee Kerslake wanted Ozzy's Platinum discs before he dies.
Terminal Lee Kerslake wanted Ozzy's Platinum discs before he dies.
I’m so glad that Lee Kerslake is enjoying his Blizzard and Diary platinum albums. I hope you feel better.
Love, Ozzy
I've always liked a lot of you both.
21 jan. 2019
in closed space
We can deny clairvoyance, but this veil is thinning all the time, and we see more and more.
In many experiments in extreme conditions, a person gets in contact with parallel reality.
One man Rich Alati stretches during his confinement. He says he tried to act like he
In many experiments in extreme conditions, a person gets in contact with parallel reality.
One man Rich Alati stretches during his confinement. He says he tried to act like he
was living in darkness for the rest of my life.but he saw more than he did understand.
The fact that the world can still deny another fractal and astral reality. It makes the situation difficult.
Many of the great ones are enlightened in secretion,
eg Finnish theosophist Yrjö Kallinen (1886 - 1976) in his death cell.
Many of the great ones are enlightened in secretion,
eg Finnish theosophist Yrjö Kallinen (1886 - 1976) in his death cell.
avaruudellinen ajattelukyky,
henkinen tietoisuus
18 jan. 2019
قراءة هذا
The topic of foreigners committing sex crimes has been a major issue in Finland for the past couple of months, after police in the western city of Oulu reported a series of alleged sexual assaults of children by foreign men at the end of last November. Then we've got the few new cases.
The True Finns Party accuses the government of failing on asylum policy, maintaining societal peace and child protection.
17 jan. 2019
время застоя
14 jan. 2019
katie hopkins and one grooming gang problem

But I do not wanna talk about.
After all.
Those cases to finally break the silencing.
It is unacceptable that some people who have asked for and even received asylum from us have brought evil here and created [a sense of] insecurity here,our President Sauli Niinistö said in a statement.
Even in the most sensitive matters we need an open and pragmatic discussion and should weigh decisions carefully. Problems must be addressed and solved. That is the right of all those people who want to adjust to our society, regardless of their background.Niinistö noted that migrants should be given a chance to settle in Finland.
9 jan. 2019
»Följ mej»
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Faktum finns att Jesus talade det till Tolstoy - samma varelse som Petrus. |
Den enda som har slagit mej liksom med cirka 500 watt kraft.
Jag har fortlevt från "experimentet".
Joh. 21:18
Sannerligen, sannerligen säger jag dig: När du var yngre, omgjordade du dig själv och gick vart du ville; men när du bliver gammal, skall du nödgas sträcka ut dina händer, och en annan skall omgjorda dej och föra dej dit du icke vill gå.
Men jag förnyade mej själv.
3 jan. 2019
We do not need this hard drug
Alcohol has been ranked as the most damaging drug by many experts.
Now, this king alcohol-drug was scored by experts circa 1.9 out of a maximum of 3.
There are other facets to measuring the addictive potential of a drug, too, and there are even researchers who argue that no drug is always addictive.
According to CNN there has been giving the varied view by researchers, then, one way of ranking addictive drugs is to ask expert panels.
Alcohol has many effects on the brain, but in laboratory experiments on animals it increased dopamine levels in the brain's reward system by 40% to 360% -- and the more the animals drank the more dopamine levels increased.
No amount of alcohol is good for your overall health, global study says
No amount of alcohol is good for your overall health, global study says
Some 22% of people who have taken a drink will develop dependence on alcohol at some point during their life. The WHO has estimated that 2 billion people used alcohol in 2002 and more than 3 million people died in 2012 due to damage to the body caused by drinking.
Many of my friends have died too early.
But only one of those cases I am sure that with alcohol and drugs played no role in premature death.
Now, this king alcohol-drug was scored by experts circa 1.9 out of a maximum of 3.
There are other facets to measuring the addictive potential of a drug, too, and there are even researchers who argue that no drug is always addictive.
According to CNN there has been giving the varied view by researchers, then, one way of ranking addictive drugs is to ask expert panels.
Alcohol has many effects on the brain, but in laboratory experiments on animals it increased dopamine levels in the brain's reward system by 40% to 360% -- and the more the animals drank the more dopamine levels increased.
No amount of alcohol is good for your overall health, global study says
No amount of alcohol is good for your overall health, global study says
Some 22% of people who have taken a drink will develop dependence on alcohol at some point during their life. The WHO has estimated that 2 billion people used alcohol in 2002 and more than 3 million people died in 2012 due to damage to the body caused by drinking.
Many of my friends have died too early.
But only one of those cases I am sure that with alcohol and drugs played no role in premature death.
1 jan. 2019
Det blir en del av vardagen i den internationella politiken?
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Ahriman i snön. (Det var väsen som existerade trots att zoroastrismen var en monoteistisk religion) |
I gengäld förutsätts vilja att anpassa sig till vårt samhälle. Och ansvarstagande, även genom vägledning av de egna. Att bryta mot våra lagar och värderingar ökar risken för att hela folkgrupper blir stämplade och skapar djup misstro, till och med hat.Därför fanns det bra att avsluta med Eeva Kilpis ord:
Ja. Det finns skönhet.för alla.
Det finns kärlek.
Det finns glädje.
Alla ni som lider av världens elände försvara dem!
sivilisaation kehityshistoria,
sosiaalinen ymmärtämys
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