A Platonist and a clairvoyant visionary, as well as a close friend of Fyodor Dostoevsky, Solovyov was before anything a prophet who was granted three visions of Sophia, Divine Wisdom.
Dostoevsky lived in cellar holes, in dead houses and in the tragic bases of human souls. Solovjov lived among ideas, utopias and mysterious visions.So wrote K. Motjulsky in his excellent biography Vladimir Solovjov: life and learning, Artos 1997.
If we talk about Solovyov.
Who was a poet and a profoundly Christian metaphysicist, his works include The Justification of the Good; War, Progress, and the End of History; and The Meaning of Love.
He was the founder of a tradition of Russian spirituality that brought together philosophy, mysticism, and theology with a powerful social message. He was more: tri Rudolf Steiner said that Solovyov gave the voice to Someone: retained connection to the spirit of the Russian. This high being sounded in Solovyov's words:
Признавая имманентное воскрешение, мы полагаем предел пытливости человеческой, направленной к трансцендентному, к мысли без дела - но, осуждая спиритизм и вообще стремление к внемирному, мы не стесняем, однако, человека, ибо показываем, что область доступного ему имманентного так широка, что нравственное, родственное чувство, всемирная любовь найдет в ней полное удовлетворение.Речь идет о персонифицированном людским.
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