Radar-picture: Nasa. |
According to
New Scientist may there will be some gigantic but fleeting burst of radio waves in the outer space. There has been caught those waves in the act for the first time, helping to narrow down the vast array of things that might cause them.
Figuring out what these fast radio bursts are or where they come from could help answer some of the biggest cosmological questions.
They last about a millisecond but give off as much energy as the sun does in a day, all seemingly in a tight band of radio-frequency waves.
Their source is a mystery, but whatever causes them must be huge, cataclysmic and up to 5.5 billion light years away,
Emily Petroff of Swinburne University in Melbourne, Australia.
Now man can know a top contender is the collapse of an oversized neutron star that should have given way to a black hole long ago, but was spinning so fast that relativity made it seem lighter.
These bursts could be an electromagnetic complement to gravitational-wave emission and reveal a new formation and evolutionary channel for black holes that are not seen as gamma-ray bursts.
But other possibilities include a flare from a magnetar a type of neutron star with an extremely strong magnetic field.
Radio observations of these bursts could trace the core-collapse supernova rate throughout the universe.
A total of nine fast radio bursts have been reported since the first was discovered in 2007, but all of them were found weeks or years after the actual event by sifting through old data.
According to
Cornell University Library -site the pulses do not repeat and are not associated with a known pulsar or gamma-ray burst.
The high dispersion suggests sources at cosmological distances, hence implying an extremely high radio luminosity, far larger than the power of single pulses from a pulsar. We suggest that a fast radio burst represents the final signal of a supramassive rotating neutron star that collapses to a black hole due to magnetic braking.
The neutron star is initially above the critical mass for non-rotating models and is supported by rapid rotation. As magnetic braking constantly reduces the spin, the neutron star will suddenly collapse to a black hole several thousand to million years after its birth. We discuss several formation scenarios for supramassive neutron stars and estimate the possible observational signatures {making use of the results of recent numerical general-relativistic calculations. While the collapse will hide the stellar surface behind an event horizon, the magnetic-field lines will snap violently.
This can turn an almost ordinary pulsar into a bright radio blitzar: Accelerated electrons from the travelling magnetic shock dissipate a significant fraction of the magnetosphere and produce a massive radio burst that is observable out to z>0.7. Only a few percent of the neutron stars needs to be supramassive in order to explain the observed rate.
Cornell Uni
versity suggests that fast radio bursts might trace the solitary formation of stellar mass black holes at high redshifts.
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