Next week,
Red Hat will become the first $1 billion open source company.
Linus Torvalds still runs the Linux kernel with his unique brand of no-nonsense attitude.
Now according to
Wired he is a free operator with
SUSE Linux. He is one big, who pulls no punches in technical online discussions, but he’s not a blowhard. It’s enough to give him geek credibility. The makers of know what we’re talking about.
Torvalds has never met
Bill Gates, like he wrote (to me), but around 2000, but he met well
Steve Jobs. Jobs invited him to Apple’s Cupertino campus and tried to hire him. I did not know that.
The message was this:
Unix for the biggest user base: that was the pitch,
says Torvalds.
Steve Jobs had this wonderful design sense of taste. He created these beautiful products that everybody loved.
Although they were not durable).
But they were one little condition: He’d have to drop Linux development. Jobs wanted him to work at Apple doing non-Linux things.
That offer was a non-starter for Torvalds. Besides, he hated, his own word, Mac OS’s Mach kernel. Linus:
I said no.
And while I have never real understood the difference between Unix and Linux. There is a difference, sure, but it is so deep in the source code. But Mac´s Mach kernel, man can hate it.
However I suppose that Linux, from these two, it would have been better for the Mac and Apple.
Jobs himself didn´t never ever know how to write code. And if you can not themselves be encoded, can not understand everything about it.
På svenska: det fanns då Linus Torvalds arbetade för Transmeta runt 2000 som han träffade Jobs. Jobs bjöd in Torvalds till Apple och försökte anställa honom, skriver tidskriften Wired i en intervju med Linus Torvalds.
Det var operativsystemen Unix som intresserade Jobs. Vilkoret för anställningen vid Apple var att Torvalds skulle sluta utveckla Linux.
Och förstår jag inte, eftersom jag anser att Linux skulle ha passat bättre än Unix till Apples system.