Here we go

All band: Me, myself, I and Heikki (the bass player gets a job), we´ll take some gigs sometimes in clubs and other good places.
We ´re playing, `couse we like it. The subscription from here.
(Next gig 29.6.2011 - Get your ass at K-Klubi)
Next gig: 28.7 - Hiili, Aurinkoterassi). My regards.
Get your ass at Resistori-Klubi: Next gig: 29.9.2011 .. .. !
Next gig 1.5 at Kuopio Market Square at 14.00.
Next gig playing for Save the Rupla, 28.7.12 at Piispanpuisto (at Bishop´s Park of Kuopio).
Now: I´m gonna present some of my texts in three languages  with simple accompaniment at next TEXTfirst night.
Get your ass at Henry´s pub  15.1.2013 at 22h, for my please,..and the new gig: April 16nd.
I will get my ass and quitar to Lekkeri 13.4.2013 @ Helmi's birthday party with streetpunk.
the next time you will see me in Kuopio will be 26th May 2013. there comes a gig ... at Pushkin's statue to start at 12:00.
Next gig playing for Save the Rupla, 23th November 2013 at Rupla. Starts at 14:00 -> Get your ass on there where occurs!
Nästa min spelning ska finnas på Nykterhetshuset 2014/12/04 (kl 11:00) i Kuopio. Hör du, som nya arbetarklassmusik, några bra låtar.
The Next gig will be May 1, 2014 on Kuopio Market Square's stage at 9.00.
.. and you will also see me in Kuopio on the gig-stage at the lake of Valkeinen about at fourte
en May 1, 2014.

hemmagården på onsdag, den 28:e dagen kl 21 i denna månad ->
Ro sitt röv hit och se:
The Old Union Band.
The solo-gig on the Kuopio's VR-Magazine at 8/08/2015 Saturday. There will be some kind of antifascist theme. Get your ass there at 19:00. The next gig at same place at 29/8/
den spelningen på Kuopios marknadstorget den lördag, 12 september (2015) klockan 11 framåt.
det kommer att
finnas upproret nu!
Live at BilliardCenter oct 30, 2015. The FridayBand.
scenen 6 augusti `16 på Peräniemenkasino i Kuopio.
Följande gig på scenen 12 augusti `17 vid Peräniemenkasino i Kuopio-stad.
Gig på Peräniemenkasino den 4 september 2021. Jag har startat nya soloalbumsinspelningar.

Ps. Someone did ask,
my first album The Desert Songs is sold out.
I `m sorry.
(we are working with the new material)
(Update 20.9.11: Heikki has left the band.)
Pena Tikanmäki came in on bass.
I'm making a new record..
(Update 08.7.12: ROH Band Mark II works)
(Update 30.3.14: The Old Union Band has been formed)
(Update 30.8.15) the newly named: Fridayband.
(Update 20.9.11: Heikki has left the band.)
Pena Tikanmäki came in on bass.
I'm making a new record (update: 15.11.2023

31 dec. 2011

Det skulle finnas på tiden att uppdels av Den Tabben Prisen - som min favorit i sista minuten

‘Shisha, alcohol and Xmas songs
— doesn’t get better than this.’
Stephen Ireland was taking easy at ChristmasTime by
appears to be smoking a Shisha pipe.
According to DailyMail tweet turns sour for Mr. Ireland
as Villa boss McLeish questions midfielder's commitment.
Here we go with just strange ways.

Russian woman gets three years for poisoning son with breast milk. Woman' s little son to death by nursing him when drunk, according to Ria Novosti a regional Prosecutor General's aide said.
Ett polisbefäl misstänks ha smygfilmat nakna kvinnliga kollegor på en polisstation i Stockholmsområdet, skrev Aftonbladet.
Det är jag som har satt dit kameran,
erkände polisbefälet när smygfilmandet avslöjades.
Kvinnorna filmades med en kamera som låg gömd i ett skåp i omklädningsrummet. Polisen har rubricerat brottet som sexuellt ofredande.

Retrospection of The Wall Street Journal tells the truth.
The Cannes conclave turned to Mr. Berlusconi. Italy, Europe's leaders told him, was close to being shut out of bond markets. During lengthy discussions, Mr. S Berlusconi fell asleep until aides nudged him awake.
Det spelades på radiokanalen Rondo ClassicFM,  Den magia wintern (Instrumental version) av Tuomas Holopainen.

30 dec. 2011

Whole in one piece of

Samsung GT-I9100 Galaxy S II
Android based smartphone.
I have seen the wet dream of mobile technology, I used it, I tasted it, That is the Samsung Galaxy S II. This device (gt-i9100) is my own nowadays.

I do not see it, really, how can Nolkia compete with this Samsung technology, and keep surviving them selves, as well as App iBody,
(also vanquished by Far-East).
I do not see.


Saab, showen måste fortsätta

Ikea köpte Saab? Nej, det är växelspaken till OG900.
Ett alternativ som mycket väl bli verklighet. Då Saab-äventyret kan sluta med att staten står som ägare till ett reservdelsbolag. Detta finns likasom rysare ända.
Vi är ju regeringens förlängda arm och regeringen har sagt att vi inte ska riskera skattebetalarnas pengar. Vi måste se till att få tillbaka pengarna, och innebär det att staten blir ägare till reservdelstillverkningen så får vi väl bli det då, säger Riksgäldens chef Bo Lundgren till TT/Aftonbladet.

Saab var världens bästa bilen i sin klass, men under senare år är inte så bra som det en gång var. Säkra leveranser av reservdelar till bilen är det minsta att den Svenskstaten kan göra, tror jag på.

29 dec. 2011

An exclusive story for the front page

Did you  brook nice Rebekah Brooks?
 Usually men do not say `no´ to her.
Publisher: Journeyman
Length: 45mins
Location: UK
Copyright: ©1
Published: 18 Oct, 2011
Last Updated: 15 Dec, 2011
Ref: 5310
In News of the World they employed a foul-mouthed private investigator with a criminal record to steal the information their needed.
As this investigative doc-shows, the News of the World had for many years operated an industrial-scale phone hacking enterprise to get their scoops, hacking even into the phones of murder victims.

Just I saw the Bad News - 45min Documentary, and it hurts.
They do not have any moral intentions. What is the least if the intention is to hack.
The real hacker never do nothing without his own conscience.
They (Murdoch´s gang) can say, sure, there´s no objective moral, but I will say to them, man could have the sense of pure fairness, and people can act in accordance with high professional ethics.

In the United Kingdom private detectives supplied the facts says former red top news exec Alistair Campbell:
They were in a sense replacing journalists, because the private detectives could do things the journalists can't.
According to this documentary Jonathan Rees was one such private detective.
But phone hacking and planting drugs! weren't the only methods used. Bribing corrupt policemen who would provide the kind of private information guaranteed to win the reporter a prime spot in the paper was another. All these tools formed part of an endemic surveillance operation that covered kidnap victims, celebrities, police investigators and politicians.

Now Rupert Murdoch goes to Finland. His News Corporation intends to buy the TV-channel of (Family Channel Ltd).
No matter. This `SuomiTv´ is already indifferent.

US Today

Where lies the worth of fairness? (asked by Shakespeare, or was not)

The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a
`cabinet department´ of the United States federal government,
created in response to the September 11 attacks. Its stated
goal is to prepare for, prevent, and respond to domestic
emergencies, particularly terrorism.
The Department of Homeland Security works
in the civilian sphere to protect the United States within, at, and
 outside its borders (with the last allocated a budget of $98.8 billion).
Electronic Privacy Information Center has sent a letter to the FTC
In letter Epic ask about, how the US Dept. of Homeland Security works.

We know that there will be spies, by Homeland Security Agency, spying on Facebook and Twitter users, recording the activity of people who search for terms like human to animal, collapse and also infection, according to an online privacy advocacy group that has sued to peruse the agency's data.
with Timeline, Facebook has once again taken control over the user's data from the user and has now made information that was essentially archived and inaccessible widely available without the consent of the user.
The settlement requires Facebook to give users clear and prominent notice and obtain users' express consent before changing their privacy settings.
I suppose this spy-function is not in the source code, they used to only searching. Now if they really read privacy messages by somehow  technique, they are doing crime.
According to Epic the initiatives were designed to gather information from 'online forums, blogs, public websites, and message boards,'
to store and analyze the information gathered, and then to disseminate relevant and appropriate de-identified information to federal, state, local, and foreign governments and private sector partners.
Epic believes that Homeland Security regularly plans to report their findings to `federal, state, local, tribal, territorial, foreign, or international government partners.´
Go out from Facebook.

28 dec. 2011

Notera en tår

Årets kultursatsning i Åbo avspeglade sig i några av stadens
helgedomar, till exempel i det så kallade Agricolakapellet hade
skulptören Pauno Pohjolainen ställt fram ett monumentalt verk i
två delar kring Den sista nattvarden. Vi sag Kristi ansikte i
hartsplast. Vardera pjäsen är så stor att den nästan ramlar ned
över betraktaren, skrev HBL.  Finns sant att har Pohjolainen ofta
i sin produktion tolkat en kyrklig och kristen problematik.
Jag gillar det här den sanne Kristi, men förstår att det är i kyrkan för mycket - alldeles för stark. Esoteric Kristus lämnar inte människor oberörda.

Således finns det tydligt att den konservativa kyrkan folket (Parson stol) har blockerats för permanent placering av konst i Åbo, berättade Pauno Pohjolainen för den här bloggen.
Försvarare adressbok hjälpte inte. Arbetet är nu i lager Paunos hem.

Detalj av skulpten av Rudolf Steiner.
Detta gäller alla som försökte förgäves att reformera kyrkan. Många har gjort sina bästa, en väl beprövad. Dom arbetade hårt, men förgäves.

Det erkännande åt dom:
Den försvaren av mänskligheten, eller på andra namn Mänsklighetens Representant, Representative of Humanity, Representative of Man, Menschheitsrepräsentanten.


27 dec. 2011

Sept concertos - je vous écris ....

Vieuxtemps en 1834: génie enfant de 14 ans.
... parce que nous ne me souviens pas de génie.
Je suis à l'écoute de la musique composée par Henri Vieuxtemps (1820 - 1881) , et je me demande si c'est ainsi, et aucun dans le monde et dans la vie humaine par cette voie, en devenant, peut être plus précieux que Vieuxtemps est.
Vieuxtemps est l'auteur de nombreuses œuvres et, parmi plus d'une soixantaine de numéros d'opus on trouve - sept concertos pour violon, dont notamment. La beauté et la structure intelligente, de ses œuvres
Il fut d’abord considéré comme un grand virtuose.
S’il n’était pas un si grand virtuose, on l’acclamerait comme un grand compositeur.
a déclaré Hector Berlioz.

L’hiver 1835-1836, il suit des études de composition à Vienne. Sa première composition, publiée plus tard comme Concerto no 2, date de cette période.

En 1837, devant un public très attentif, il joue son Concerto no 1 à Saint-Pétersbourg. Résidant à Paris, il continue avec grand succès son travail de composition.

Il était paralysé et passe ses dernières années à Paris.

Nodding obsession

Christmas tree lying on the Senate Square.
Monday's storm tore rooftops off houses and felled trees,
making it was dangerous to be outside. Photo by HS.
According to New Scientist one kind of nodding syndrome spreading through Uganda. There is unknow mysterious illness at the riversides.

We have our own nodding syndrom.
The first was the raw civil war that claimed more than 40 000 victims. Then the Winter War, the superpower was provoked into war, then the brotherhood-in-a-war-association with the Nazis - particularly this criteria for the Continuation War, wich are still going on, are the collective illusion, but the mystical effect of socialization makes us nodding.
Makes still?
Zombie-institutions, like churches, in society seems to be collapsing used by the majority. Something in Finland´s soul plays minor-chords, in particular the D-minor, it gained resonance in the soul (minor, a small third octave sound effect arises by spirit of the Fall) - in Finland (and in Nazi Germany), this fall was particularly bad: theosophists promised the light that would never come out. It distorted and transformed into a national frenzy spiritual blindness.
People in midle age walks like a living dead, gravestones in their eyes. Their only desire is go for pension, and soon-to-be die.


26 dec. 2011

Fjärilen från Ural

Detta är Kalevipoeg, på finska `väinämöinen´ eller
`lemminkäinen´ (interna aspekter av medvetande).
Kristjan Raud (1865-1943) var en av Estlands konstnärer.
Det finns lite bara äcklig att säga, min vän, herrn officeren är i en garderob.
Man kommer att se rubrik ovan, ja, detta är ett gammalt sätt att arméer hela världen, Till exempel samurai tradition.

Det är lika som något en hemlig och helig delikatess, hemlighet, och ett stort mirakel, som ingen tillåtet att tala om det.

Människan är en fånge, när har han sämst ställda livet, även om det i sitt arbete, från den andra personen.
Han använder sin makt för missbruk,
och därmed att ha han fel i riktning av livet kraft.
Allt är som det. Nej, det gör man inte så.
Det skåpet öppnades enda sättet att dom inte kunde gissat. Fjärils huvud varade inte länge. Vilken röra, `What a mess´, än säger amerikanen.
Är de bra, man tycker om full insyn; när allt redan har ändrat lagen i detta avseende - också även i detta avseende fortsätter den amerikanska militären ska gå att finnas bättre än tidigare.


25 dec. 2011

Mein Herz ist Liebe

Gott soll allein mein Herze haben,
(Johann Sebastian Bach, Cantata BWV 169 I: Symphony).
Denna serie av kantater att kombinera idén om hur det är fel, att en man älskar bara Gud, eftersom Gud är i varje människa, finns i varje atom.
Madame Blavatsky varnade sina anhängare, teosofer, underskattar för materialisterna som, som äger sig av din mänskliga kärlek: i denna världbild har avslågits Gud´s fungerar - så det fokuserar all sin energi till andra människor.
Jag ska påminna er om att buddhismen inte är, naturligtvis, den som finns i hela problemet med layout.
Im Moment fühlt es sich einfach unglaublich, dass ich mich für einen gesunden und glücklichen Menschen haben, auch wenn die Welt leidet, die ganze Zeit.


24 dec. 2011


Veronikas dubbelliv, 1991, är en drömsk och förtrollande
vacker film av Krzysztof Kieslowski om två kvinnor som delar
samma namn, utseende, passion för musik och svåra hjärtfel.
Bildfiler är nu på något sätt min själens kondition.
Jussi Björling sjunger. ...
Den välkända musikern och röstskådespelaren Pauli Virta har dött på på onsdagen efter långvarig sjukdom. Han blev 66 år. Ett ord.

Pauli Virta var son till den legendariske sångaren Olavi Virta.
Pauli Virta spelade in åtta skivor och spelade röstroller i en rad barnfilmer. Virta hade också en egen studio i Esbo.
Pauli Virta bodde länge i Sverige, och gav ut verkar på både finska och svenska. Han hördes också i den finskspråkiga dubbningen av en rad barnfilmer.
Han sjöng bland annat in dikter av Nils Ferlin på båda språken, och på skivan Dubbelliv från 1989 tolkade han sånger av Juice Leskinen på svenska. Pauli var en stor tillskyndare till en tvåspråkig levande kultur.


Russian Federation boils

The new meeting is organized by opposition movements,
which notified in the application that the rally
would number 50,000 people. wAt least in social
networks that have become  the main ground to
prepare the meeting and inform about it, more than
60,000 have confirmed  their intention to participate.
According to Itar-Tass over 50,000 expected to gather for protest rally in Moscow. It will be the second major protest rally to be held in the Russian capital in connection with the media and Internet reports about numerous violations and fraud in the December 4 State Duma election.
With badly printed leaflets full of abstract slogans. The members of the left come to the demonstrations with crumpled news sheets, printed in close type on bad paper, that might well grace a museum of the 1905 revolution.
This one I wanted to hear, sure, about Russian mass protest.
No. For this time, the organizers have prepared for it better technically as well. They say there will be three large screens, good equipment for loud sound and field kitchens. Almost four million roubles have been collected through social networks to organize the rally, tells usually a reliable Itar-Tass.

It should not be concluded from this that Russians have no need for honest elections, writes Boris Kagarlitsky, But the overwhelming majority of the people will only join in struggle for them, putting themselves beneath the batons of the police, when it becomes clear that elections can bring changes to their lives.
According to the author's they can bring about the preservation of the social state for which the great majority of citizens are calling. Here, however, the oppositionists not only fail to share the views of the people, but on the contrary, are to be found in the same camp with the authorities.
But how, and with whom, are the forces of the left to set out after these ardently pursued masses?

Atmospheric impressions on Russia:
It was as though society had simply looked for an excuse to break out in revolt, and had found it when the routine procedure of election rigging unexpectedly became an object of general discussion.
Whenever tensions are seen to be dropping, the authorities come out with another declaration or measure that pours oil on the flames of the crisis.
Spanning nine time zones, Russia is the largest country on earth in terms of surface area. Economic strength has allowed Vladimir Putin to enhance state control over political institutions and the media, buoyed by extensive public support for his policies as prime minister, president and now prime minister again.


23 dec. 2011

New news from the Baltic Sea

The Patriot Missile system trucks.
Explosives found on board the M/S Thor Liberty currently impounded in Kotka Harbour will be loaded on to containers late Friday evening. The vessel was earlier moved to another dock within the harbour complex.
A consignment of 69 Patriot missiles also found on the Manx flagged vessel was earlier taken to a Defence Forces storage facility for explosives.

According to public media The Finnish Transport Safety Agency (TraFi) will release the vessel when discovered irregularities have been corrected, Now an exclusion zone of 1,000 metres will be imposed during the operation and airspace will also be secured.

There is not a normal case, says my friend, an officer in Nato, who arrived on the scene.
First, such a war missiles can not be docked here or there lawfully, that´s means no way without transit authorization and permission to enter the area of any sovereign state.
They cannot come without that, the target of the armed forces and security officials by allow it, transit authorization. And In this case, in Finland it was not even informed!
Finnish customs officials seized the vessel with its cargo of explosives and high-tech missiles by found on Wednesday.
Perhaps the vessel conformed to local German customs regulations, the Thor Liberty did not have the required documentation for the transit of explosives through Finland.
Business is not an usual. Everything indicates that is a part of international arms trade, in other words, nasty business.

What a mess, again. 

Sång inte till en sluss

199 Valencia Street
San Francisco, California.
Likriktning och organisatorisk inkompetens går hand i hand, skrov Peter Santesson.
Mönstret går igen inom område efter område, som om den västerländska kulturutvecklingen är på väg in i dvala. Tidigare växlade än hela formgivningsparadigm varje decennium, nu är det bara detaljer som varierar.

Det finns olika tänkbara förklaringar till detta liggande mönster. När omvälvningarna inom politik och ekonomi är så stora uppstår en efterfrågan av kulturell igenkänning och stabilitet.
Jag tror att kyrkan med sina lära och undervisning inte längre återspeglar dess underliggande syfte. Det är den underliggande premiss, och källan till blindhet, vilket återspeglas i den politik och ekonomi.
Nu Finlands folk skiljer sig från kyrkan i protest till en tv-skatt.
Därför känns allt så välbekant nu för tiden.


22 dec. 2011

En masspsykos

Tore Bjørgo är professor vid Polishögskolan i Oslo.
Det ska skapa en ny oberoende bedömning av de anklagade terrorister Anders Behring Breivik, sa professor vid Polishögskolan, Tore Bjørgo.
Det rapporterade Norwegian radioföretag NRK

Tore Bjørgo är särskilt berörda av Anders Behring Breivik är högerextrema synvinkel, och att detta kan endast förklaras som en del av diagnosen paranoid schizofreni.
Idéer som att det finns ett inbördeskrig, och att det finns ett stort mångkulturellt samhälle konspiration, är han inte ensam. Och även om det är en illusion, det är inte bara Behring Brevik vanföreställningar, sa Bjørgo.

Jag håller med om att det är en masspsykos, och denna gång en av de största verkliga problemen på denna tid:
I att det förefaller en väldigt skev syn på världen.

Erkännande av professor Tore Bjørgo. Där snackar mannen som inte är en stugsittare.

Förresten, I Norge har rundradiobolaget NRK listat tio nyord från nyhetsåret, varav flera har koppling till terrordåden den 22 juli, bland annat enkeltmannsterrorisme, enmansterrorism och antijihadisme:
man kan också använda kontrajihadisme. Denna ideologi som har diskuterats mycket i Norge med 22 juli, och verkar finnas ett lån ord från engelska.

21 dec. 2011

Återigen är det sanningen som ont

Den bilden ritad av Ville Ranta föreställer en figur som liknar Timo Soini och som önskar god jul till alla finska vithyade konservativa heterosexuella.
Tomtarna på bilden liknar en del sannfinländska riksdagsledamöter och de önskar bland annat `en skit jul´.

Opinionsnämnden för massmedier beslöt på onsdagen att ta ett karikatyrklagomål som Sannfinländarna lämnat in till behandling. Karikatyren publicerades i tidningen Kirkko ja kaupunki för en vecka sedan.

Tolv sannfinländska riksdagsledamöter lämnade in ett klagomål till Opinionsnämnden för massmedier. Denna nämnd behandlar ärendet inom fem månader.

Tidningen fick mycket respons för karikatyren. Största delen av den var negativ.
Nu kommer det positiva. Det där Villes arbete är ingenting jämfört med det djupt rasistiska skit av Kari Suomalainen var fri att rita man flera decennier.


20 dec. 2011


Jag är lycklig, att finnas mig med `julstämning´, nu kan man gå att lyssna till Chopin preludier.

I gånger tidigare, fanns det tre heliga nätter, vintersolståndet tiden.
Sedan, senare var julen en full och fusk clown festival.

Kristendomen har fått oss att förbjuda det förflutna - de har tagit i besittning den gamla norra festivalens namn, sin egen låga syften.

Men idag gör vi sörjer inte.


Censorship turns against itself

Siwa danced when the world was burning.
Called the spirit of revolution and energy,
which can not be any way to suppress.
It will change.
State prosecutors in Tomsk, somewhere in Russian, argue the Bhagvad Gita is an extremist religious text and want it put on a list that includes Hitler's Mein Kampf.
Typical stupidity: it would make just as opponents of cults somehow better people, if they draw up lists of prohibited types.
It is just an naive explanation that, they say it sows social discord and that´s why they want this Book, with explanation by Cult, distribution banned.

According to BBC Indian MPs had expressed outrage and forced an adjournment of parliament in protest at a court case in Russia that could see a Hindu holy book banned.

Post scriptum
Russia recognises freedom of religion among its four main faiths, Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism.
This is not a current way in constitutional state to tell what is allowed in accordance with the law. Let me say, the law can only report what is prohibited under the law, and the basis on which, (without some slack speech about `social discord´).

19 dec. 2011

Aforism på staketet

Nytt från Nordkorea, hette den tecknade serien som
Studentbladet publicerade mellan 2005 och 2008.
Det var jätteroligt att försöka göra samhällskritik av
 Nordkoreas konstiga retorik, säger tecknaren Lasse Garoff.
Jag gråtar.
Därför ingen, att Nordkoreas diktator Kim Jong-Ils är död.
Jag lyssnar på Johannes Brahms (Sonat för violin och piano nr 2 A-dur, Op. 100).
Ledarna i Peking väntas ge Kim Jong-Ils efterträdare, Kim Jong-Un (en agent, min vän sa till mig att det inte skulle vara en idiot, även om den visar).
De är mycket måna om att behålla stabiliteten i regionen och att undvika en politisk kollaps, säger Joseph Cheng Yu-shek, statsvetare vid City University i Hongkong.
Lika som vi gör här, sitter dom på staketet i stället för att ta ansvar.
Oj herremintid, alltid har vi suttit på staket. Nyligen minnen finns här

Foto: Juha Peltonen /I=S.

18 dec. 2011

Dear, Van

Van Morrison at the Movies – Soundtrack
Hits is a compilation album
 by Northern Irish singer-songwriter,
released in 2007.
According to a spokesman for the 65-year-old singer Van Morrison, the announcement was a hurtful hoax by internet hackers.
Poor hackers, are teasing for this egoistic old cock. I think that his gigs are some kind of hoax business, it´s been so long.
But what did do, by hackers, was not wrong in accordance with hacker´s ethic?

Best wishes. may be, we were hippies, (and I´m still it).


Pirates tillbaka!

Censurlagen kräver att Internetoperatörer
filtrerar DNS-frågor om så kallade kränkande
 webbsidor, och gör sajterna onåbara.
Till exempel om de amerikanska myndigheterna kan beordra internetoperatörer att blockera webbplatser som de uppfattar innehålla kränkande länkar som postats av användare.
Om COICA (Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act) finns ett allvarligt hot, så man ska se SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) etter värre.Lagförslaget har mötts av starka protester, förstås.
I förra månaden höll den amerikanska kongressen hearing om ett lagförslag som går under benämningen SOPA, som har kommit att uppfattas som det första riktigt hotfulla systemet för censur på Internet. En lag som om den röstas igenom kommer att få långtgående konsekvenser - och det kan faktiskt komma att röstas igenom.

Syftet med lagförslaget påstås vara att ge brottsbekämpare och upphovsrättsinnehavare ett verktyg i kampen mot fildelning av upphovsrättsskyddat material. Men det fungerar direkt mot yttrandefriheten, och agerar på uppdrag av stora pengar.

i Finland har tidigare varit ansvarig för några planerade galna censurföreställningar, men nu gör USA, och det är redan farligt.

Style uteslutande kommer från den amerikanska: dessutom, bestämmelserna kommer att ge Internetoperatörer immunitet så att de kan blockera sajter som de tror står i konflikt med gällande lagstiftning, utan att det fällts någon dom eller baserats på något myndighetsbeslut.

Låter det bekant?
Vi har redan LexNokia, var vi `nummer ett´ igen.


Book of Liars

Seriously, President Obama has not done anything
other than to reflect the neo-conservative predecessors.
Rendition, 2007, is story about illegality. The U.S. sends, by CIA-plane, wrong man to the other country where the incident occurs for interrogation which includes torture.

Watch this film, wrote Peter Tatchell, a human rights campaigner of The Guardian,
It brings home the lawlessness and inhumanity of the so-called war on terror. It reveals why so much of the world hates the hypocrisy of the US, which preaches liberty but often practises tyranny.
It exposes the way the US government is trampling on human rights. It shows why President Bush should be put on trial at the International Criminal Court on charges of kidnapping and torture.
The worst thing is that, as well as Tatchell seems to realize that these reports are true, the Bush administration's system collapsed during the torture, even though the CIA knew about that, torture gives only useless knowledge.
And even worse, worst of all is that nothing has changed in the course of a new president.

In the movie, the innocent man's wife raises hell to find him despite being pregnant but the person behind this refuses to help or give her any information.
Humanitarian emergency, It´s just absurd accept this kind of human loss. It did make contempt to the secret police´s illegal prisons and dark airplanes, but factors are free, and can continue.
Finland has woken up to ask questions of those flights.


17 dec. 2011

Vinterstorm - en gåtas betraktelse

Dessa stormiga dagar har hittat oss,
har funnits oss.

Efter stormen kommer ett lugn, säger dom.
Så att säga, men denna storm har pågått i ett århundrade.

Det ska bli inte stillsam.
Uppåt i cirklar.
Bessimen inte besviken,
runt oss går mysterium.

Nu forsättas dessa stormiga dagar, och längtar jag mer än någonsin tillbaka till var har jag kommit, vet platsen,
vad hur man går.

Discovered Russian methane fields of a fantastic scale

Dr Semiletov´s team released his findings for the first
time last week at the American Geophysical Union meeting
in San Francisco
Russian research team astonished after finding 'fountains' of methane bubbling to surface.

According to The Independent there are hundreds of millions of tonnes of methane gas locked away beneath the Arctic permafrost, which extends from the mainland into the seabed of the relatively shallow sea of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf.
Igor Semiletov, of the Far Eastern branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said that he has never before witnessed the scale and force of the methane being released from beneath the Arctic seabed.
Earlier we found torch-like structures like this but they were only tens of metres in diameter. This is the first time that we've found continuous, powerful and impressive seeping structures, more than 1,000 metres in diameter. It's amazing.
I was most impressed by the sheer scale and high density of the plumes. Over a relatively small area we found more than 100, but over a wider area there should be thousands of them
Some plumes were a kilometre or more wide, saying The Russian research team, and the emissions went directly into the atmosphere – the concentration was a hundred times higher than normal.

16 dec. 2011

Salvation (human Interested )

Former Guns n' Roses star Duff McKagan
will be at rest now, he's lived to tell the tale.
Former Guns N' Roses bassist Duff McKagan says in interview with BBC that he was drinking '10 bottles of wine a day' (and pulled the drugs) - and that was when he was trying to cut down his alcohol intake. Then:
I'm the last of eight kids, my mother came into the hospital. She had Parkinson's, and her youngest son was in hospital with tubes running in and out of hers. I was on my deathbed and I knew the order of things was absolutely wrong.
I like so much stories of salvation. This is a good. Then again, a man does something else that may have missed with his bad old days.
I was 30 years old, sober, a millionaire - and I didn't know what a stock or a bond was, and didn't really trust anybody in my industry, so I went to a class at a community college.
And then he has set up his own wealth management company to help musicians with their finances.


"Hur ska detta sluta?"

Tidningens uppfattning av Sannfinländarnas Timo Soini
att finnas zombie (uppviglas förstås mot uppgörelsen).
Jag tycker mycket om tonen av Annika Ström Melin när skriver hon, att populistiska bode EU-kritiska och främlingsfientliga partierna `dundrar på´.

Dessa oppositionspartier utnyttjar också kritiken för att flytta fram sina positioner. Regeringspartierna värjer sig, hittills utan större framgång.
Europas populistiska partier anser att finanspakten överenskommelsen innebär ett så stort ingrepp i det nationella självbestämmandet att det kan behövas nyval.
Hur det blir är i skrivande stund inte klart, men EU:s finanspakt skulle debatteras i det nederländska parlamentet i går kväll och det blev säkert en livlig tillställning.
i vårt grannland Finland är läget lika svajigt. Sannfinländarnas Timo Soini uppviglar förstås mot uppgörelsen.

Enligt står Soini utanför regeringen, men har lyckats förändra grundtonen i den finländska EU-debatten. Också landets finansminister, Socialdemokraternas ordförande är kritisk. Hon vill inte att Finland ska släppa vetorätten över beslut som rör utbetalningar ur EU:s permanenta räddningsfond, trots att Socialdemokraternas tidigare statsminister Paavo Lipponen varnar för följderna av ett finländskt nej.
Hur ska detta sluta? Det är förstås omöjligt att veta.
Jag vet, vad som inte dödar us, ska stärka us.


Only Greetings from Finland

William Hague,
Comeron´s right hand.
Mary Ellen Synon was nicknamed "the Bonk of England" by tabloid newspapers in 1995 after she disclosed that she and Rupert Pennant-Rea had had sex on the governor's dressing room floor at the Bank.
Today he sent us, according to her rare devil Timo Soini,  these notes on just why the eurozone deal must be resisted.

His (Soini´s) arguments make David Cameron's arguments look as weak as a lavender-scented lace handkerchief. Indeed, I picture Soini as a kind of snow-covered Crocodile Dundee, facing Cameron and his lady-like reservations about the British financial services industry, and saying: 'That's not an argument. That's an argument!'
(On Tuesday this week the (True) Finns Party made a strong non-confidence motion against the government.
That gave me the opportunity to speak for 23 minutes live on the Finnish television about the euro crisis, the federalist agenda of the EU elite, and the government’s failure to stand up for justice and for the Finnish people.)

I understand you dear Ellen, are you one of those, who have send love letters to A. Breivik?


Konstantin Koverchenko aiming for a long time,
because he wants to hit the cannon tube, why?
In addition to many other questions.
Deeply pacifist movie The Beast of War ,1988, did throw me by throught. I saw it first time, perhaps.
The film is timeless, it tells a certain time, but many elements are timeless. Already in the English language to refer to the fact that this movie may be 30 years after graduation just more valid description of Afghanistan.
The plot concerns a Soviet T-55 tank lost during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The film directed by Kevin Reynolds and based on a William Mastrosimone play Nanawatai.
but it is a multi-layered growth description.
The growing man Konstantin Koverchenko (Jason Patric) tells that Afgh` is "no Stalingrad", and states that:
It's hard to be a good soldier in a rotten is it that we're the Nazis this time?
Commander Daskal had been so called `tank boy´ during World War II for destroying a number of Nazi-German tanks when he was a child soldier during the Battle of Stalingrad, demonstrates his ruthlessness not only to the enemy, but also to his own men.
Movie is full of little facts that make thinking.


15 dec. 2011

You may possess both this and the future world

Rabbinical Judaism believes that two Torahs were
given to Moses at that time: the written Torah and
 the oral Torah (in Kabbalistic traditions
 there is even a third or `hidden´ Torah as revealed in the Zohar)
Perhaps one biggerst by least commands is not heritages of cristian. Rabbi Hillel, one of the most influential scholars in Jewish history, said once.
There were a gentile, who came before Shammai, and said to Hillel:
Convert me on the condition that you teach me the whole Torah while I stand on one foot.
Shammai pushed him aside with the measuring stick he was holding.
The same fellow came before Hillel, and Hillel converted him, saying:
That which is despicable to you, do not do to your fellow, this is the whole Torah, and the rest is commentary, go and learn it.

Unfortunately this command is long for with time of degeneration and secularation understood only through the Jews as an internal command. While it has been one universal learning ever.

Hillel considered love of man the kernel of Jewish teaching.
It was not `love of each others´, As it was understood later. We do not find any indication from the races by Hillel, especially the privileged.
One Hillel´s precept was that one should not separate oneself from the community
When theosophists waffled still human breeds, Rudolf Steiner said that the races do not exist anymore. And likewise said Jan van Rijckenborgh.

Races and nationalism is teh biggest curse of humankind, It is a curse not only `to pay the army´, such as Carl G.  Mannerheim said, it brings the whole of thinking about race and nation-states, and separate religions. Parallel to the same conclusion was come to the Dalai Lama, when I listened to him in August.


14 dec. 2011

Italiarna nynazistiska kriminellar har haft kontakt med en finländsk högerxtrem grupp

I staden Florens i Italien har onsdagen
utlysts till sorgedag efter gårdagens skottdrama
där en man sköt i hjäl två senegalesiska
män och skadade tre andra svårt.
Rasistiska skottdrama i Florens krävas tre döda. Bara några hundra människor samlades efter dådet i centrala Florens för att protestera mot våldet, enligt medierna.
Enligt italienska polisen var gärningsmannens motiv rasistiskt. En man dödade två senegalesiska torgförsäljare på en gatumarknad i staden Florens. Ytterligare tre försäljare skadades. Gärningsmannen tog sedan sitt eget liv.
Mördaren hörde till en högerxtrem denna rörelse, vid namn Casa Pound.

Den högerxtrema rörelse gruppen vid namn Casa Pound har haft kontakt med en finländsk högerxtrem grupp, vid namn Nationella motståndsrörelsen.
På Skyddspolisen uppger man att man följer med fallet och informationen från Italien.
Sa jag redan, Skyddspolisen i Finland finns en stugsittare.


Sur ​​la nécessité d'aller au-delà l'existence matérielle

Good old days.
I got an e-mail spam, it says:
Sufi music leads to spiritual knowledge and helps to undo the knots of soul, making person aware of the beauty and harmony of the universe and about the need to go beyond material existence.
And it's the same will be even more beautiful, if possible, in Spanish:
La música sufí nos conduce al conocimiento espiritual ayuda a deshacer los nudos del alma, haciendo al hombre consciente de la belleza y armonía del universo y de la necesidad que hay de ir más allá de la existencia material.
But this will lead astray without genuine moral effort and desire to emulate on the spiritual path, so, then without the inner work, the music is a drug-like effect. We hippies know something about it.
That´s why I can say, do not look for old ways go for trancendent, with those old-world methods
We do not need those methods no longer.


Who was the rear devil in the closet?

Luc Besson's debut: Le dernier combat `83.
I was wondering the shades and hues that resemble Dante's Hell by Timo Soini´s text in The Wall Street Journal, particularly in the first version of Soini´s this writing.
I noted, something is lying behind.
The ghostwriter comes from Obus Day and he is student at London School of Economics.
Man who compete in the quasi-esoteric organsation, is named Oskari Juurikkala, He is an economic politic adviser of Timo Soini, co-founder and current leader of the True Finns party (now only `Finns party´).
I read the last edition of the Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation (2011, Vol. 26(3) there is article, by Oskari Juurikkala, entitled `Credit Default Swaps and Insurance: Against the Potts Opinion´.
Yet those who know about the CDS market and the famous Potts Opinion will realize that the material in this article is, in a word, explosive. If I’m right, there are thousands of contracts out there worth who-knows-how-much that potentially are invalid and perhaps illegal.
The same connotation: hues with resembles by Dante's Hell.
No doubt, Mr Katajisto knows very much about those widespread `potts opinion´, which states that CDSs are not insurance, because they do not require the protection buyer to sustain a loss or to have an insurable interest in the subject matter.
But in the dark side, dogmatism and rituals in his own backround is not so nice think. Becouse Obus day itself is not any kind of relic, it works every day.
Luc Besson's `La Femme Nikita´ 1990 was the director's first global sensation. There were strong indications of some secret society, the Catholic connection to politics. Of course, it is just that such connections are retrieved.
I am used to it, one friend of mine who is a great name for a secret intelligence in the world, said that only a little (or nothing) in reality can be expressed. He said what we know, movies show things what we can not tell you otherwise.
In those catholic organisations there are many things like repressed, twisted sexual behavior, which I do not like. Of cource, sex with a child under the age of 12 can get punishment also in Vatican. This age of concent is the very lowest in the world, why?
(Poor for altar boys there, shit-hole happens)

13 dec. 2011

Soon we will know it - the solar wind has turned the corner

 The heliosphere is a comet-shaped-like object. Nasa´s diagram.
This phenomenon is a consequence of the wind pushing up
against the matter coming from other stars.
Voyager 1 is getting close to interstellar space. In other words, materialism is nearing the edge of the solar system - they were getting solid zeroes.
Nasa's Voyager 1 probe is nearing the edge of our solar system after 33 years and nearly 11 billion miles of spaceflight. Voyager 1 has traveled about 10.8 billion miles (17400000000km) from the sun since it launched on Sept. 5, 1977 on a mission to swing by the gas giant planets of Jupiter and Saturn.
The spacecraft may make the final crossing into interstellar space in just four more years, Nasa announced today.
The Voyager 1 spacecraft has entered a region of space in the outer solar system where the speed of solar wind. Nasa´s scientists think the steep drop in solar wind speed is a sign that it has been blown sideways by a more powerful interstellar wind that blows in the spaces between stars.
But in the interstellar space, sure, we have no 3 dimension, and the speed of light is no longer valid, and what more, we will shall know something about it.
We had no idea how far we would have to travel to get outside the Solar System. We now know that in roughly five years, we should be outside for the first time,
Edward Stone, the Voyager project scientist, told BBC

But there will be some problem; the electromagnetic field, where the normal radio message will be moving, is the size of the heliosphere.
May have further frequencies, where the connection works, however it will now be tested.


12 dec. 2011

Att försvara mänskligheten

Den Försvararen för mänskligheten,
eller Mänsklighetens Representant,
konstverket av Rudolf Steiner
Riksdagsledamot Silvia Modig berättade hur hade han kommit ut från skåpet at hon var 17 året.
En kväll med Anne och Hannah finns det top mest bästa sak_ i_ programet i finska-tv.

Programleverantörer slänger sig också själva på terapisoffan hos psykolog Tony Dunderfelt och blottar egna osäkerheter.
En konfliktsituation i sinne ger alltid en möjlighet att fördjupa sin självkännedom om skuggan som belastar det sanna jaget.

Allt detta, liksom till leverans skillnad för mellan på finska och svenska språket programmet, En kväll med Anne och Hanna (på FST5) får priset vid tilldelning om att försvar mänskligheten.


Se och hör

Foto: Nasa
En videofilm om norrsken i Finland, gjord av Turistfrämjandet, har blivit en stor attraktion på internet. Den har redan setts över en miljon gånger på Youtube och videotjänsten Vimeo, skriver Hufvudstadsbladet.

Precis fantastiska finns här tiden på året!


Once again

Lecture in a knight academy, painted by Pieter Isaacsz
or Reinhold Timm for Rosenborg Castle
as part of a series of seven paintings depicting the seven
independent arts.
Here comes the story about great creativity.
Concluding that the rule does not make sense could be one of the potential justifications.
They are creative people, they are more morally flexible, said the study’s lead author Francesca Gino, an associate professor of business administration at the Harvard Business School.
The very same people who have the intellectual spark to think outside the box when solving complicated problems, according to Gino´s study, may also be the ones who can more easily indulge in cheating and general dishonesty.

Sure enough, the researchers found that the most creative students were also the most dishonest. And that pattern held up in each of four other experiments, a new study suggests.
No news to me, sure, creative person has always got much bigger challenge then so called ordinary people.
And then: a talented person will need to find a new ethical basis, becouse "the rules does no make sense”, and are not responsible for man's own sense of justice.
That´s why we can not evade our own thinking in the world, every day.
All that I have said yet before.

Finnish Parliament member convicted by his hate speech

We have a wide freedom of speech,
but now comes in bounds.
One MP from the populist right-wing Finns Party (former True Finnish), has been convicted for incitement to hatred against an ethnic group by Kouvola Court of Appeal, that this parliament memeber incited hatred against a religious, ethnic or similar group
- strong words, because the district court had thrown out the charges around a year ago (saying that the text Parliament member had published was simply him exercising his freedom of speech).
The court ruled that man had published a text in his blog on the Uusi Suomi website. Uusi Suomi -name, in english The New Finland, is an old newpaper, and has hard heritages, among other things during the war served as a prominent right-wing supporter of the sound.

The court said that MP understood that the text was slanderous and likely to cause contempt and hatred towards muslims. MP will now have to pay 25 day-fines, which according to his income amounts to 1,425 euros.

Analysing the outcome of the election is that, something is changed. The old big three to half a consensus, which is despised democracy is gone.
Perhaps, it is still too early to say whether politics in Finland have truly changed, or if the route taken by Timo Soini will be identical to that of his forerunner, Veikko Vennamo. (I met him).
While Vennamo was the party chairman of the Finnish Rural Party, the True Finns’ predecessor, he got the party into parliament, but as a political force it was soon spent. Party name has changed for more neutralized. But, sure, it´s not enough.

We do not need crimes in parliament.

11 dec. 2011

Farligt för julen

Den 30 meter höga ståljulgranen
 står på en 150 meter hög kulle tre kilometer
 från gränsen och kan ses från storstaden Kaesong.
Nordkorea varnade i dag Sydkorea för
oväntade följder
om Sydkorea ståtar med julgransljus nära gränsen.

Detta är inte den tid då än som kvarts sekel när av det finska kommunistiska ledaren Arvo Aalto besökte Nordkorea, och inspirerades av den så kallade juche-filosofi. Så småningom sade Reijo Käkelä honom, att tryck detta juhhi i sin egen röv.

Nordkorea har tidigare anklagat Sydkorea för att ha skyltat med julljus för att sprida kristendomen bland nordkoreanerna. Det är naturligtvis enhälliga svar och de har rätt till sin åsikt.
Ord Julen, på finska `joulu´, i bakgrund av etymologiskt kommer inte från kristen tradition. Det finns inte `xmas´

Att trycka dessa korsar på historiska platser är särskilt tveksamt, till exempel på Cathars heliga platser i Frankrike, eller rester av de tempel riddarna (ligger vid Edhult Säteri i Småland).


There is no life without consciousness; there is no consciousness without life.
When it is said that life is “more or less conscious”, it is not the abstraction life that is thought of, but “a living thing” more or less aware of its surroundings. The more or less awareness depends on the thickness, the density, of the enwrapping veil which makes it a living thing, separate from its fellows. Annihilate in thought that veil and you annihilate in thought also life, and are in that into which all opposites are resolved, according to Study in Consciousness by Annie Besant, wrote in ca. 1904. Besant intended this book to be a contribution to the science of psychology.
I say that we need that wisdom, and contribution. Materialists do not realize how much danger they are with their obsessional thoughts, they can make it the pre intended destruction of the finest parts of consciousness that are not yet developed as unsprouted seeds - and so therefore never develop any.


10 dec. 2011

Det kommer bli en kaotisk natten i Stockholm

Det har varit tumultartat i Stockholm under lördagen
 samband en högerextrem demonstrationen under
Motdemonstranter mötte nazisterna
 med ägg och smällare.
 Foto: Janne Åkesson / Swpix/ Expressen.
Nu hundratals nynazister har i kväll samlats på Mynttorget i Gamla stan i Stockholm för att protestera mot något vad de kallar svenskfientlighet. Tumult uppstod när polisen försökte hindra de hudratals antinazister och andra motdemonstranter som vill stoppa demonstrantionen. Minst fyra människor ska ha gripits, alla antinazister.
Stockholmspolisen har skärpt sin bevakning också inför kvällens Nobelfestligheter. Enligt uppgifter i pressen drottningen ska bryta om. Det finns inte på grund av nazister, men eftersom kungen är en gris.

Detta område.

Jag upprörs över nazidemonstrationer.
Vi har ett personligt ansvar för vilka värderingar och ideal som vi väljer att sprida.


Find the balance to between tech and spirit

The film, by Hooman Khalili, partly
financed by the former Facebook CPO Chris Kelly.
Sure, this kickstarter story has the making
 of a movie itself.
The film was shot with the Nokia N8 12-megapixel and a separate 35-mm lens adapter attached with double-sided tape.
Thats the phone has a depth and maneuver more easily.
Also director Hooman Khalili attached to N8 ban ladders, helicopters and motorcycles, some of the shots in the film. Sure, we can check that a smartphone might shoot HD, it even might even have a dolly.
It will be Smart, but in this movie, called `Olive´, the content will be more important than the seemingly clever technology.
The film tells the story of a mute little girl, and the impact Olive has on the lives of those who meet her. Young girl´s three silent changes little life.
She is like an ancient initiated in the middle of the folks.
Without initiations we have no vision of our own inner bearing in the future of mankind.


9 dec. 2011

Den ryska jättedemonstrationen

Зло проявило себя полной мерой,
никого больше не стесняясь и ни от кого не прячась.
В рамках реформы МВД России столичные спецподразделения
 полиции будут преобразованы в единый центр
 оперативного реагирования, а пресс-служба ГУВД
Москвы - в два разных отдела. Такие нормы
 предусматривает новая структура Главного управления
 МВД по Москве, утвержденная министром внутренних дел,
 сообщил источник Интерфакса в правоохранительных
 органах. Русичи РООИВС © Источник
Över 30 000 människor i samlas i Moskova, men der bråkas vart man ska gå där och här(där och här), skriver Anna-Lena Laurén vid

Oppositionen finns splittrad i Rysken. Den hotfulla oppositionen har fått tillstånd att samla 30 000 människor i Moskva till en demonstration mot valfusket i dumavalet.
Opposition till ökningen är en bra indikator och ett gott tecke, larm, som går bara utvecklingen på framåt.
Demonstranterna ska inte samlas på Revolutionstorget utan på Bolotnaja plosjtjad, som också ligger i centrum. Trots denna eftergift hotar nu vissa deltagare, bland annat Vänsterfronten, sa Laurén, att inte ändra mötesplats utan samlas på Revolutionstorget.


An acknowledgment

Former number one, Finland continues to decline, unfortunately.
The Legatum Prosperity Index™ assesses 110 countries, accounting for over 90 percent of the world’s population, and is based on 89 different variables, each of which has a demonstrated effect on economic growth or on personal wellbeing.
The Index consists of eight sub-indexes, and according to The Legatum Prosperity Index™ each of which represents a fundamental aspect of prosperity:
Norway remains at the top of this year’s Index, narrowly ahead of Denmark and Australia, with Finlad (ranking continues to decline, thanks to, inter alia, uncovered large-scale corruption) and the United States ranking 10th, ahead of large European nations such as Britain, Germany and France, which all still make the top 20. The Central African Republic ranks last ahead of Zimbabwe and Ethiopia.

The Index consists of eight sub-indexes, each of which represents a fundamental aspect of prosperity.
Each of the sub-indexes provides to rankings with two important analyses: first, an economic assessment, and second, and then: assessment of a country’s subjective wellbeing, or happiness.
