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‘Shisha, alcohol and Xmas songs — doesn’t get better than this.’ Stephen Ireland was taking easy at ChristmasTime by appears to be smoking a Shisha pipe. According to DailyMail tweet turns sour for Mr. Ireland as Villa boss McLeish questions midfielder's commitment. |
Russian woman gets three years for poisoning son with breast milk. Woman' s little son to death by nursing him when drunk, according to Ria Novosti a regional Prosecutor General's aide said.
Ett polisbefäl misstänks ha smygfilmat nakna kvinnliga kollegor på en polisstation i Stockholmsområdet, skrev Aftonbladet.
Det är jag som har satt dit kameran,erkände polisbefälet när smygfilmandet avslöjades.
Kvinnorna filmades med en kamera som låg gömd i ett skåp i omklädningsrummet. Polisen har rubricerat brottet som sexuellt ofredande.
Retrospection of The Wall Street Journal tells the truth.
The Cannes conclave turned to Mr. Berlusconi. Italy, Europe's leaders told him, was close to being shut out of bond markets. During lengthy discussions, Mr. S Berlusconi fell asleep until aides nudged him awake.Det spelades på radiokanalen Rondo ClassicFM, Den magia wintern (Instrumental version) av Tuomas Holopainen.