Rinpočė Padmasambhava, sansk. "Gimęs iš lotoso". Indų mokytojas, 8 a. atnešęs budizmo tantros mokymus į Tibetą ir Butaną. Jo gyvenimas apipintas legendomis, nuostabiais pasakojimais ir stebūklais. |
When the iron bird flies and horses run on wheels, Buddhism arrives in the west.
So in the eighth century, Guru Rinpočė Padmasambhava wrote:
When the iron bird flies and horse run on wheels, the Tibetan people will be scattered like ants across the face of the earth.Now planes fly and cars exist, that the Tibetan Buddhism will spread throughout the world.
The beginning was hard, with HP Blavatsky ´s (the reincarnation, almost a mahatma soul from Tibet) a book, The Voice of Silence, 1889.
It was a short presentation about the Bodhisattva´s Path.
But good one.
Only Dalai Lama has published better books than Madame.
In general, everything else has been kitsch by passed materialism or deadly dogmatism.
Like Lama Rinpočė Padmasambhava has said, Karma forced one of the world’s most isolated religions into contact with entirely new nations and peoples, especially the 1960’s, a period when popular western culture was widely receptive to Eastern thought.
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