Here we go

All band: Me, myself, I and Heikki (the bass player gets a job), we´ll take some gigs sometimes in clubs and other good places.
We ´re playing, `couse we like it. The subscription from here.
(Next gig 29.6.2011 - Get your ass at K-Klubi)
Next gig: 28.7 - Hiili, Aurinkoterassi). My regards.
Get your ass at Resistori-Klubi: Next gig: 29.9.2011 .. .. !
Next gig 1.5 at Kuopio Market Square at 14.00.
Next gig playing for Save the Rupla, 28.7.12 at Piispanpuisto (at Bishop´s Park of Kuopio).
Now: I´m gonna present some of my texts in three languages  with simple accompaniment at next TEXTfirst night.
Get your ass at Henry´s pub  15.1.2013 at 22h, for my please,..and the new gig: April 16nd.
I will get my ass and quitar to Lekkeri 13.4.2013 @ Helmi's birthday party with streetpunk.
the next time you will see me in Kuopio will be 26th May 2013. there comes a gig ... at Pushkin's statue to start at 12:00.
Next gig playing for Save the Rupla, 23th November 2013 at Rupla. Starts at 14:00 -> Get your ass on there where occurs!
Nästa min spelning ska finnas på Nykterhetshuset 2014/12/04 (kl 11:00) i Kuopio. Hör du, som nya arbetarklassmusik, några bra låtar.
The Next gig will be May 1, 2014 on Kuopio Market Square's stage at 9.00.
.. and you will also see me in Kuopio on the gig-stage at the lake of Valkeinen about at fourte
en May 1, 2014.

hemmagården på onsdag, den 28:e dagen kl 21 i denna månad ->
Ro sitt röv hit och se:
The Old Union Band.
The solo-gig on the Kuopio's VR-Magazine at 8/08/2015 Saturday. There will be some kind of antifascist theme. Get your ass there at 19:00. The next gig at same place at 29/8/
den spelningen på Kuopios marknadstorget den lördag, 12 september (2015) klockan 11 framåt.
det kommer att
finnas upproret nu!
Live at BilliardCenter oct 30, 2015. The FridayBand.
scenen 6 augusti `16 på Peräniemenkasino i Kuopio.
Följande gig på scenen 12 augusti `17 vid Peräniemenkasino i Kuopio-stad.
Gig på Peräniemenkasino den 4 september 2021. Jag har startat nya soloalbumsinspelningar.

Ps. Someone did ask,
my first album The Desert Songs is sold out.
I `m sorry.
(we are working with the new material)
(Update 20.9.11: Heikki has left the band.)
Pena Tikanmäki came in on bass.
I'm making a new record..
(Update 08.7.12: ROH Band Mark II works)
(Update 30.3.14: The Old Union Band has been formed)
(Update 30.8.15) the newly named: Fridayband.
(Update 20.9.11: Heikki has left the band.)
Pena Tikanmäki came in on bass.
I'm making a new record (update: 15.11.2023

27 nov. 2021

The bosses were revealed

 Who were these mysterious beings? 

Those income-beings came here from the second (I will not elaborate) universe. They were some kind of the pioneers, whose had task quide lead to early human race to learning simply living conditions.

Did they evolve separately on earth? 

They integrated into humanity - and may still be here.

What caused them to have such drastic differences from ordinary human beings?

They are from the second wave of life; separated from it. They are high beings, but in their own development wave in the another reality they were lagging behind.


By Robin Hale | Guest Writer
Paracas is a desert peninsula located within the province of Pisco, in the Ica Region, on the southern coast of Peru. It is here that the Peruvian archaeologist Julio C. Tello made one of the most mysterious discoveries in 1928. During the excavations, Tello discovered a complex and sophisticated cemetery in the rough soil of the Paracas desert.

In the enigmatic tombs, Tello discovered a series of controversial human remains that would forever change how we look at our ancestors and our origins. The bodies in the tombs had some of the largest elongated skulls ever discovered on the planet, called the Paracas skulls. The Peruvian archaeologist discovered more than 300 mysterious skulls that are believed to be at least 3,000 years old.

As if the shape of the skulls wasn’t mysterious enough, a recent DNA analysis performed on some of the skulls presents some of the most enigmatic and incredible results that challenge everything we know about the human evolutionary tree and origin.


        1.     The Mystery Behind The Paracas Skulls

        2.     Deformation of The Skull: An Ancient Religious Practice

        3.     Later Tests Made The Paracas Skulls More Enigmatic

        4.     Ancient Aliens: Paracas Skull DNA Test

The Mystery Behind The Paracas Skulls

These skulls are on display at Museo Regional de Ica in the city of Ica in Peru © Wikimedia Commons

Deformation of The Skull: An Ancient Religious Practice

While various cultures around the world performed skull deformation (elongation) practices, the techniques used were different, meaning that the results were not the same either. There are certain South American tribes who ‘tied the skulls of babies’ in order to change their shape, resulting in a drastically elongated skull shape. By applying constant pressure over a long period of time with the use of ancient tools, the tribes managed to perform cranial deformations that are also found in ancient cultures in Africa.

Three drawings of methods were used by Maya peoples to shape a child’s head.

However, while this type of cranial deformation changed the shape of the skull, it did not alter cranial size, weight, or volume, all of which are characteristic features of regular human skulls.

This is precisely where the characteristics of the Paracas skulls turn out to be most interesting. Paracas skulls are anything but ordinary. Paracas skulls are at least 25% larger and up to 60% heavier than the skulls of regular human beings. The researchers strongly believe that these characteristics could not have been achieved with the techniques used by the tribes as some scientists suggest. Not only are they different in weight, but Paracas skulls are also structurally different and only have one parietal plate whereas normal human beings have two.

These strange features have added to the mystery for decades, as researchers still have no idea who these individuals with such elongated skulls once were.

Later Tests Made The Paracas Skulls More Enigmatic

The director of the Paracas Museum of History sent five samples of Paracas skulls for genetic testing, and the results were fascinating. Samples consisting of hair, teeth, skin, and some fragments of skull bones gave incredible details that have fuelled the mystery surrounding these anomalous skulls. The genetic laboratory where the samples were sent was not previously informed of the origin of the skulls to avoid ‘influencing the results’.

Interestingly, mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited from the mother, showed mutations that were unknown to any man, primate, or animal found on planet Earth. The mutations present in the Paracas skull samples suggest that the researchers were dealing with an entirely new ‘human’, very different from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals, and Denisovans. Similar results were found from the tests conducted on Star Child Skull that were discovered around 1930 in a mine tunnel about 100 miles southwest of Chihuahua, Mexico.

The people in the Paracas skulls were reportedly so biologically different than it would have been impossible for humans to interbreed with them. “I’m not sure this fits into the known evolutionary tree,” wrote the geneticist.

Who were these mysterious beings? Did they evolve separately on earth? What caused them to have such drastic differences from ordinary human beings? And is it possible that these beings did not come from the earth? All of these possibilities are theories that cannot be nullified given current evidence. All we know so far is that there are many things that are beyond the understanding of researchers, historians, and scientists. It is possible that after all, the question of whether we are alone in the universe can be answered thanks to the Paracas skulls.

Ancient Aliens: Paracas Skull DNA Test


23 nov. 2021

Dom försökte att "duga något till".

Längst ner Jakob Lind. Foto: Futurniture.
Jakob Lind (f. 1966) gör något som mycket få finländare på den segrande sidan hittills gjort från årar 1917-1918.
Läs om boken Jakob Lind, Morfars pistol - Ett Familjedrama, 2020.
Morfars pistol är hans bokdebut.
Morfar hette Hjalmar Frisell, född 1880, död 1967, när dottersonen var ett år gammal. Bland ting han efterlämnade fanns en pistol, en Luger (Parabellum) med årtalet 1918 inristat. 
Han efterlämnade fanns bara en pistol, en Luger (Parabellum).
Morfars pistol handlar om Svenska brigadens krig i Finland  1917-1918. Det var ett krigsäventyr finansierat av det svenska näringslivet, vars rottrådar söker sig ända fram till vår tid. 
En sann berättelse om fiasko, förlorad kärlek och en fåfäng människas försök att duga något till.
Mannen har tagit itu med händelserna i inbördeskrigets länge mörklagda slutskede och nu han redogör öppet för segrarnas brutala hämnd efter striderna.
Det var så att innan Jakob, som DN-kritiker, författaren Ingela Lind planerade att göra ett verk om sin pappa, Hjalmar Frisell. Hon hittade resterna av hans åtta Afrikaår i en gammal koffert – och minnena, frivilliga och ofrivilliga, började återvända.
När han fick ärva sin morfars svarta Luger-pistol, märkt 1918, som han brukade fingra på som barn i Stockholm, började Jakob Lind sitt job.
"På 1970-talet hängde pistolen fortfarande på väggen i mormors hall. Den berömda profilen: en Luger med svart smal pipa, fyrkantigt bakstycke och kolv av trä. Sen hamnade den på botten av golvklockan i vardagsrummet. Ibland fick jag hålla, men aldrig sikta på någon."
Tänk om den hade dödat en människa? På pipan stod årtalet 1918.
"Pistolen hade min morfar haft under inbördeskriget mellan röda och vita i Finland och den här boken handlar om hans upplevelser, men också om skam och något om ära, ett ord som knappt någon förstår längre. "
"Han fick sparken som chef för Svenska brigaden och det som hände förstörde hans liv och många andras. Men det visste jag inget om när jag riktade den svarta pistolen mot spegeln i mormors lägenhet. Ingen i familjen visste."
Morfars pistol är en tragikomisk historia om en fåfäng svensk officers upplevelser under inbördeskriget i Finland 1918. Vilken rik blandning av banbrytande historieskrivning, familjedrama och kanske lite biografiskt mysterium, men finns det minimalistiska historian, som den stylen heter i Finland.
Ett krigsäventyr finansierat av det svenska näringslivet, vars rottrådar söker sig ända fram till vår tid. En sann berättelse om fiasko, förlorad kärlek och en fåfäng människas försök att "duga något till".
Just genom sin ärlighet blir denna bok (408 s.) ändå en vacker levnadsteckning med högt läsvärde, skriver Peter A. Sjögren.
Boken utkom på finska i höstas.

20 nov. 2021


Ibland undrar jag vad som måste hända för att materialiserade människor ska vakna till andliga medvetenhet?
Explosionen av droganvändning är ett symptom på att upplevelsen av andlighet är helt förhinrats i livet.
Ismo Alanko befann sig sin väg fri från berusningsmedel och en ny upplevelsevärld öppnade sig för honom. Läs mer (på finska).

15 nov. 2021

An analysis about Jimmy's seacrets

Hindenburg, 1936.
Led Zeppelin
icon Jimmy Page is widely considered to be one of the greatest and most influential guitarists of all time - read this one source. He was/is my greatest ideal - my enjoyable playing style is from him.
"Page isn’t only praised for his brilliance for creating guitar riffs and his varied style, but he’s also the mastermind behind Led Zeppelin’s sound both as a record producer and songwriter. His mastery in music turned the band into unquestionably one of the best bands in rock history."
True. But after the fourth album, no more swinging, no going, no dick (the biggest dick = band's name)
There’s no doubt that the Led Zeppelin legend has a long story to tell if he were to publish a memoir. With an exceptional music career that’s known for its longevity as well as its success, fans would
 "immediately jump on the idea of a Jimmy Page autobiography". 
"Unfortunately, Page himself doesn’t agree with this idea for a specific reason. Let’s look at the time when the guitarist candidly opened up about having a book about his life as well as his reason for keeping it unpublished until he dies."
I know those reasons - e.g. copyright violations and Satanism.
And there will be some so called Lori Maddox. She was, amazingly, just 14 when she met Page, though Page did what he could to keep the relationship hidden. Even in the "swingin' Seventies" this kind of thing could put you in jail. But with no TMZ or Us Weekly, Page got away with it. He eventually dumped Maddox for the of-legal-age Bebe Buell.
American journalist Ellen Sander has described life with Led Zeppelin as “like being inside cages at a zoo where you get to smell the shit first-hand". 
The same was said by Matti Laipio, a promoter employed by a Finnish record company, but that Page was a good guy, the only one of them.
"Since the Led Zeppelin icon belongs to that minority, Jimmy Page was asked a question about one of his previous statements regarding his future autobiography during a 2015 interview with Channel 4 News. When the interviewer suggested the possibility of him not wanting a memoir because he’s afraid of being sued, the rocker confirmed this truth but cleared the misunderstanding in his statement."
Jimmy Page with 17 year old Cameron Crowe
for Led Zeppelin’s and also Cameron’s first Rolling Stone
 cover story.

"In his own words, Page made it clear that he had a good reason for his decision to publish a memoir after he passed away. Apparently, the musician wants to release a book posthumously due to the possible legal problems he can face but not because he fears being sued."

Actually, it's pretty fucking much the same thing. The charges are read in court.
Jimmy Page stated that he has to wait "until he dies so he can deliver a real story since he wants to be able to freely express himself in his memoir without the possible restrictions. It seems like the rocker doesn’t want to restrain himself for the sake of just releasing a memoir and made a clever move by postponing it until his death."
According to Page’s statement about his autobiography all will be opened:
It went this kind of ways:
“I said what I would do is do a book to be released or published posthumously. That’s what I said. I said that for good reason because I wouldn’t just want to get caught up in legal wranglings. I just wanna be able to do a book, say what it was, and then let it be released. That’s all. So, I don’t want to get bogged down in any details of unpleasantness or whatever. I just want to tell the real story.”
I need your story, Jimmy.
Frank Sinatra also refused the biography "too much of a thing - you don't want to remember."
Perhaps part of same type of causes and violent crimes.

10 nov. 2021

Remember this one

Jimmy Velvet
about Elvis Presley at an Elvis Presley concert in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at Sports on Arena April 5, 1957:
"Elvis' show was unbelievable, I had never seen anything like it, I mean Jacksonville wasn't anything like this. There were so many kids there climbing over each other it was amazing. The screaming you never heard anything, the screaming never stopped, but he didn't have to hear very much, he felt it."
Ben Weisman went to the saturday evening 8.00pm performance : 
"Elvis gave a concert in Philadelphia: the place was mobbed, girls with their feet dangling down from the balconies-everybody going crazy. "
"As a matter of fact while I was sitting there, a tomato went hurling through the air-Elvis was on stage, and it hit and broke the strap on his guitar. "
"Elvis was furious! He stopped his show and said 'Hey,wait a minute! If somebody's got a problem up there, why don't you just come down here and we'll work it out'. Elvis was going to take the guy on, but whoever threw it, would't come down from the balcony. He sure got bood."
The Sunday Bulletin reported: 
'Elvis' face darkened into a frown, but he managed to finish his song 'All Shook Up', then with his eyes flashing, he pointed to Scotty Moore and addressed the crowd. "
"He got egg on his guitar, Whoever threw that will never make the Yankees. After a moment's pause, which did not cool his ire, the singer again faced the crowd"
"Most of you people came here to enjoy the show, the guy who threw the egg will never make it. I mean it, jack, we're just trying to put on a nice show'. "
The guilty were William Quinn, 20 New York who said 'We don't like Elvis, but we went to see what he is like'. William B Oates, 21 of Brooklyn, James Stark, 20 of Greenport, New York and John Eidt, 20 of New York City, who spent the night in jail.

9 nov. 2021

Mannerheim sa till om Hitler: ”Vad i helvete gör han här!?”

Se vilka jävla stora mikrofoner som fanns på hatthyllan.
När marskalk C.G.E. Mannerheim började att fira sin 75-årsdag den 4 juni 1942 fick han besök av Adolf Hitler
Bara en vecka tidigare Mannerheim hörde att Hitler ska komma till sin födelsedagsfest.
Det var strängt förbjudet att banda in Hitlers privata samtal. Rundradions ljudtekniker Thor Damen lyckades ändå kasta upp en mikrofon på hatthyllan i salongstågvagnen där Adolf Hitler och Mannerheim samtalade.
Hitlers samtal i Finland - inbandat i smyg
Du kan hör Hitlers samtal, som bandats in i hemlighet. 
Bandet blev ändå kvar hos finländarna, och det bevarades i en kartongask. Samtalet är det enda kända dokument där man hör Hitler tala inofficiellt.
Hitler mainitsee myös, että Neuvostoliiton ulkoministeri (Molotov) piti Suomea uhkana maansa olemassaololle. Sant, men på grund av Hitelr själv och Finlands nära nazistiska kopplingar.
Bandningen slutar mitt i en fras eftersom inspelningen av samtalet måste avbrytas när en tysk officer märkte mikrofonen. 

5 nov. 2021

A rendering 3D digital billboard

Designed by District, the elevated tank is actually a massive anamorphic illusion:
a Massive Wave Crashes in a Seoul Aquarium

The Part of the World’s Largest Anamorphic Illusion in the City of Seoul.

The digital media company created the public project utilizing the world’s largest advertising screen that spans 80.1 x 20.1 meters (via Design You Trust). As shown in the video, the deceptive aquarium looms over the outdoor area and splashes repeatedly into the sides. 
An enormous aquarium with perpetually crashing waves has popped up amidst an urban landscape in South Korea, wow, however don’t expect to hear the water sloshing around if you walk by. 

Finland was the third in the world and the first in Europe to give women the right to vote

Here comes an ancient suffragett with her own ways to move.
This kind of a female supporter, could been militant, of women's right to vote in the early 20th century.
A suffragette in London on a motorised scooter, 1916. Lady Florence Norman used her Autoped to scoot to her offices where she worked as an administrator in central London.

My grandfather's mother was one suffragette.
How was the Finnish suffrage reform achieved?

It has been assumed that suffragentts in Kuopio, exspecely writer Minna Canth (my grandfather's mother worked in hers shop) was a force behind the appeal that corresponded to the views of the liberal bourgeois women's right movement. Although the appeal was endorsed at the legal committee, the majority decided to reject it, which gave rise to a dissenting opinion being added to the decision.
The proposition of the Senate, issued for the 1904. Adoption of the eligibility to stand for election divided opinions, and not a single word was spoken of a unicameral Parliament.
However they got the all right to vote and to stand for election in Finland in 1906.
Finland was the third in the world and the first in Europe to give women the right to vote in 1906 as part of universal and equal suffrage. 
At the same time, women were also allowed the right to stand for election, and in 1907 the world's first female parliamentarians were elected to parliament.
"For the first time, I am speaking to my sisters as a free woman,"
said Lucina Hagman in November 1906.

4 nov. 2021

Sheer fascism

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," 
Donald Trump said in Iowa in January 2016
In this ways Trump has repeatedly pointed to the loyalty of his supporters.
The situation is unique in American history but hardly unusual elsewhere. From the fascist years in Europe to the age of military coups in Africa and Latin America, periods of antidemocratic, strongmen rulers have been a feature of political systems. 
Almost everything Trump has done has come straight from the authoritarian playbook. Every dictator, for example, has built on the accomplishments of his predecessors.
New York University professor Ruth Ben-Ghiat makes a powerful argument that on the scary road to fascism, America just came perilously close to the point of no return.
Like all his role models, Ben-Ghiat sees in Trump:
“The men, women and children he governs have value in his eyes only insofar as they … fight his enemies and adulate him publicly. Propaganda lets him monopolize the nation’s attention, and virility comes into play as he poses as the ideal take-charge man.”
By the way the term witch hunt that Trump uses was also used by Berlusconi; it’s also used by Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It’s very successful at getting people to feel protective of them. On one hand, these macho men are constantly portraying themselves as strong and alpha male, but through the victimhood thing, they try to appeal to people’s care for them, and people feel very protective of them.

Now this kind of a new wave of such autocrats is cresting, with Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Romania and arguably India joining the ranks of Turkey, Belarus and Russia in having governance that revolves around one man. 
Even in China, Xi Jinping has brought personalistic rule to new heights. He has been appointed a lifelong principal.
“Just as Hitler watched Mussolini’s actions carefully,” 
Ben-Ghiat said, 
“so did Gaddafi learn from Lt Col Gamal Abdul Nasser’s 1952 overthrow of the monarchy in Egypt.” 
Then in the 1980s and 90s, Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich served as models for Europeans looking for 
“a more radical form of conservatism”. 
Gingrich’s 1994 Contract with America was echoed a year later by the Front National, with its “contract for France with the French”. Berlusconi’s Contract with Italians followed six years later.
The cult of victimhood is a fundamental part of the strongman. 
And Benito Mussolini started it off by this one manner. They don’t represent their people like democratic politicians. They embody the people. They inhabit the people. They are the bearer of the people’s humiliations their sorrows. 
Adolf Hitler did this expertly and that’s why, people felt, in his speeches, he was screaming out the pain that all of Germany felt. He was embodying Germany’s victimhood. The most successful strongmen have all known how to do this.

3 nov. 2021

`cause we are motorcyclists,

we know life.
There will be more then 14 reasons like freedom, passion, etc. why we ride.
"Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing. For many bikers riding a motorcycle is not a hobby or need, it’s Passion. And often all they want in life is to travel to every corner of the world on their motorcycle."
"There is a deep fire in their belly for riding which will make them achieve impossible miles, paths & terrains. Bikers will not mind devoting a good amount of time and income for their motorcycles. In the hierarchy of needs, for them it’s motorcycling that stays on the top. "
Do you you ever never noticed that the motorcyclists (English, Swedish, French..) will always have a gender to their bike? Guys will refer to their machine as She and lady riders refer to their bike as He. It’s because the relationship between a bike and its owners is not about ownership but about love with like some fuckable human.