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Pictures: GB 1- Bell Rock (1811) in Scotland on the North Sea. And 2- Skerryvore (1844) in Scotland, Inner Hebrides. |
- kanava totuudenetsintään ihmisestä ja maailmasta. jäikö jotain olennaista vielä sanomatta?
- Kanal för att hitta sanningen från mannen och världen. finns det någonsin att säga?
- Seeking truth from facts.
Жизнь в глубже!
Here we go

We ´re playing, `couse we like it. The subscription from here.
Now: I´m gonna present some of my texts in three languages with simple accompaniment at next TEXTfirst night.
Get your ass at Henry´s pub
I w
The Next gig
.. and you will also see me in Kuopio on the gig-stage at the lake of Valkeinen about at fourte
Ro sitt röv hit och s
The solo-gig on the Kuopio's VR-Ma
den spelningen på Kuo
det kommer att
29 dec. 2022
Have you ever wondered what is hidden inside lighthouses?
21 dec. 2022
Orsaken till kollapsen av kolsänkorna blev tydlig?
20 dec. 2022
This year, St. Nicholas Day is special, ...
"Because we strongly believe that no evil can ever prevail. "According to Zelensky our all children ask St. Nicholas to bring peace and victory to Ukraine, while we all make miracles for each other during wartime. We support and help each other, warm up the hearts of others with good deeds, and fill our own hearts with warmth.
"This is a gift from a 14-year-old Henriikka from Finland. Since Russia’s full-scale war began, she decided to help our people in every possible way. She began knitting warm woolen socks and selling them to donate for Ukraine. At her request, one of these pairs of socks reached me. I am grateful to Henriikka and her grandfather Antti Puijola!"
9 dec. 2022
Man of the Year -> The Spirit of Ukraine
"Zelensky's success as a wartime leader has relied on the fact that courage is contagious",
7 dec. 2022
На шествии ”612” сожгли российский флаг: Это было наказанием для России - за ее ужасный государственный терроризм в Украине
2 dec. 2022
"иностранных агентов"
"Обращение в Минюст РФ. Прошу зачислить меня в ряды иноагентов моей любимой страны, ибо я солидарна со своим мужем, честным, порядочным и искренним человеком, настоящим и неподкупным патриотом России, желающим Родине процветания, мирной жизни, свободы слова и прекращения гибели наших ребят за иллюзорные цели, делающие нашу страну изгоем и утяжеляющие жизнь наших граждан,"
1 dec. 2022
Elon Musk's management of Twitter must approve an "extensive independent audit" of the platform by next year
29 nov. 2022
This kind of stowaways do not always have the same luck
Photo: The Spanish coastguard. |
24 nov. 2022
En chock!
Emelie blev till med hjälp av donerade spermier vid kvinnokliniken på Länssjukhuset i Halmstad och föddes 1986, rapporterar Expressen. När hon sedan i vuxen ålder kontaktade kliniken för uppgifter om donatorn, hade de ingen information att ge.För att få svar gjorde Emelie DNA-test och kunde genom släktforskare spåra sin donator till en man i Halmstad vid namn Zdravko.För Zdravko kom Emelies existens som en chock, han hade aldrig donerat någon sperma. Däremot hade han i samband med en fertilitetsutredning med sin dåvarande fru lämnat spermieprov på kliniken.
22 nov. 2022
It suffers chronically from bots, fake accounts and other problems
13 nov. 2022
Banksy was there
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Credit: Instagram by Martyn Reed, an artist, who said: "It’s beginning to look like Banksy is in Ukraine." |
1 nov. 2022
I felt a tremendous amount of power there - there was such a time in 2018 in November-Decembe
25 okt. 2022
Very terrible things
“thrown in a river with a strong undercurrent”.
They should have been drowned in the Tysyna river,”
said Krasovsky during an interview with the fantasy writer Sergei Lukyanenko.
“Just drown these children. Drown them!”
18 okt. 2022
Kyssen och ett fönster
15 okt. 2022
Storm Eunice
“That reminding us how small and insignificant we are as it conveys the dramatic movement and force of sea together with the resistance offered by a man-made building.”
"I was rewarded with a set of images I’m very proud of,”
“When the storm was predicted, and it was carrying the first ever red warning for the south coast of England, I knew I had to find a spot to record it – this was going to be big.”
“I got there reasonably early to find many photographers already drenched in rain and seawater, standing very close to the harbor wall. "
"I decided to head to high ground and slightly further away with my back to the weather."
9 okt. 2022
Crimean Bridge burned down as an attack against Russia
5 okt. 2022
The torture room was found in Pisky-Radkivski village, Kharkiv region
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An suspected incinerator similar to the one used by the Nazis at Auschwitz. "Another torture chamber of the Russian occupiers." |
"Investigators found a torture room in Pisky-Radkivski village, Kharkiv region. Tortures such as being buried alive and putting a burning rug into a gas mask were reported. A box with torn out teeth implants was also found."
A torture chamber in Pisky-Radkivski. 2 photos. A gas mask that was put on the head of a victim who was covered with a smoldering rag and buried alive. And a box of gold dental crowns. A mini Auschwitz. How many more will be found in occupied Ukraine?
— Defense of Ukraine (@DefenceU) October 4, 2022
Photo @serhii_bolvinov pic.twitter.com/So4glJlt9N
4 okt. 2022
Jack Bruce
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Young Jack Bruce with his Fender VI. |
“Yes. I started playing that with Graham Bond, because when John McLaughlin left it meant that I could do little guitar-type solos and stuff. It wasn’t really a very playable instrument because the strings were very close together for a bass, and the scale was too big for a guitarist. It was a kind of hybrid. I enjoyed it for a while, it was fun.”
“Well, I was always doing that, really. Obviously with Cream we were able to do that because it was a jamming-type band. Cream was like a jazz band, but we didn’t tell Eric that... we were like a little free-jazz trio with Eric as Ornette Coleman, but without him knowing it.”
27 sep. 2022
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Peter and Hugh at the Savoy Theater in Helsinki on October 24, 2021. |
"That when he makes my teeth hurt with his singing, it's done on-purpose. That the squint that pinches my face when I hear him sing is my lack of knowledge about this next level of singing - singing so beyond my comprehension that I'm like a Neanderthal trying to figure out a Rubik's Cube. So I feel bad that I'm just not at that level.Then I think, what if the people telling me all of the above are just messing with me."
"Singing in registers from baritone to high falsetto, Peter growls, croons, shrieks and shouts in ways that have drawn comparison with the guitar playing of Jimi Hendrix, "
"Sorry to say that the tour’s off as I had a hospital visit and surgery overnight. All well now but recovery time will b needed."
I hope.
26 sep. 2022
Riots broke out all over Russia
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One Russian man opening fire and killing the in Irkutsk region. |
Video of a Russian man opening fire and killing the military commandant in a draft centre in the city of Úst-Ilimsk in Irkutsk region. The military commandant was the head of the local draft committee. He has died, according to reports. pic.twitter.com/knnWNJxE9Y
— Andrew Roth (@Andrew__Roth) September 26, 2022
22 sep. 2022
Need for the fast-tracking solution
12 sep. 2022
Я верю, что украинский флаг и свободная жизнь снова вернутся в Крым
"верить в ВСУ и ждать освобождения."
"Я верю, что украинский флаг и свободная жизнь снова вернутся в Крым. Мы освободим всю нашу землю и наших людей. ВСУ, наша разведка и специальные службы уже делают шаги именно для этого, и эти шаги можно услышать, и все видят, оккупанты уже начали бежать из Крыма. Это правильный выбор для них всех. Мы вернем свободу Крыма, всем нашим людям в Крыму и обязательно сделаем Крым одним из лучших, комфортных мест в Европе. Крым этого заслуживает",
5 sep. 2022
Sanningen måste avslöjas
"Nu har vi fått veta att revan är minst sex meter hög och minst 40 meter bred."
23 aug. 2022
Our Prime Minister, I am speechless
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PM Sanna Marin and Sabina Särkkä. |
Here in Finland we have couple of videos of the Prime Minister dancing, singing and partying with various Finnish celebrities and public figures spread throughout social media. I see from this picture that soon they (guests in Prime Minister's official Kesäranta residence) will make love - maybe.
Tänään tuli Seiskalta ulos Sabina Särkän ja Sanna Marinin kiehnäysvideo.
— Kimmo Kautio (@Kimmo_Kautio) August 22, 2022
Tällaista kuvastoa löytyi vielä hetki sitten Sabina Särkän TikTokista päiväyksellä 10.7.
Näyttäis valtioneuvoston grafiikkaseinä päässeen arvokkaampaan käyttöön...🤔#jauhojengi #kesärata22 pic.twitter.com/oMBJ0rpWFQ
16 aug. 2022
Welcome back to the Middle Ages
15 aug. 2022
Alcohol destroys human chromosomes
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Human Chromosomes' telomere length medical concept and telomeres located on the end caps of a chromosome resulting in aging by damaging DNA or protection. Credit: Lightspring Shutterstock.com |
Observational analysis findings indicated that heavy alcohol drinkers and those with alcohol use disorder (AUD) were significantly more likely to have shorter telomeres — an essential part of our chromosomes linked to aging and the onset of various health concerns.
10 aug. 2022
A lackey of the Kreml
“Although unwillingly, the organization created material that sounds like support for Russian narratives. Seeking to protect civilians, the study has instead become a tool of Russian propaganda.”
“Ukrainian fighting tactics endanger civilians.”
5 aug. 2022
Vi mår bra
1 aug. 2022
Первое судно с украинским продовольствием вышло из Одесского порта
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Президентом Украины Владимиром Зеленским Фото: Офис президента Украины. |
"Мы благодарны партнерам, которые, несмотря на сложности, не останавливали работу по подготовке к экспорту."
30 juli 2022
En studie snakkar att Rysslands ekonomi förlamad av sanktionerna
Here come grain ships
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a guided walking tour in Kyiv. Photo: EPA. |
“The first vessel, the first ship is being loaded since the beginning of the war,”
29 juli 2022
22 juli 2022
en Finne igen.
”Han var ju svart”,
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Bild: tv4.se |
Mannen fick skador i huvudet och handen, men tack vare vittnen som ingrep och stannade tåget, så kunde mannen räddas upp från spåret. I tisdags väcktes åtal mot kvinnan som misstänks för mordförsök, alternativt grov misshandel.
16 juli 2022
Стыд! просто как это стыдно!
An altruistic person can sacrifice himself
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Watch the trailer for award-winning film Navalny. |
12 juli 2022
Super-deep objects
5 juli 2022
Mannen gjorde uppror för Guds nåd
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Arvid Järnefelt, målning av Eero Järnefelt. |
"Kyrkans lära, katekeser och sådana böner, har lärt människor att tro att de själva inte var ansvariga för vad de gjorde. Detta är anledningen till världskrig och dödande i trons namn."