Instagram has apologized for removing the official poster, Company (Facebook) telling The Associated Press on Wednesday that several images of the poster for
Madres Paralelas, which shows a lactating nipple, were removed
“for breaking our rules against nudity, after they were uploaded it on Monday."
“We do, however, make exceptions to allow nudity in certain circumstances, which includes when there’s clear artistic context. ....",
The Company said in an emailed statement.
So out of pity, this time?
The societies must be alert to the power of algorithms in deciding what humans are permitted to see.
“We have to be vigilant before the machines decide what we can and cannot do. The algorithm possesses it will never have a heart or common sense”,
Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar said after a poster for Parallel Mothers -displaying a lactating nipple was removed by Instagram’s algorithm due to its ban on nudity.
It was the victory over Instagram after a controversial poster for Pedro's upcoming film was censored and then reinstated back.
The hypocrite social network Instagram has since apologized and backtracked after recognizing the artistic context of the image.
Almodóvar, in an emailed statement, thanked thousands of Instagram users who kept re-uploading the image after it was removed:
“You have succeeded in getting the minds behind the algorithm that decides what is or is not obscene and offensive to back off and allow the poster to circulate freely.