Say something, I'm giving up on youby Chad Vaccarino / Ian Axel / Mike Campbell
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
Anywhere, I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you
And I will swallow my pride
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye
Say something, I'm giving up on you
And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
And anywhere, I would have followed you
Oh, oh, oh, oh say something, I'm giving up on you
Say something, I'm giving up on you
Say something
- kanava totuudenetsintään ihmisestä ja maailmasta. jäikö jotain olennaista vielä sanomatta?
- Kanal för att hitta sanningen från mannen och världen. finns det någonsin att säga?
- Seeking truth from facts.
Жизнь в глубже!
Here we go

We ´re playing, `couse we like it. The subscription from here.
Now: I´m gonna present some of my texts in three languages with simple accompaniment at next TEXTfirst night.
Get your ass at Henry´s pub
I w
The Next gig
.. and you will also see me in Kuopio on the gig-stage at the lake of Valkeinen about at fourte
Ro sitt röv hit och s
The solo-gig on the Kuopio's VR-Ma
den spelningen på Kuo
det kommer att
25 feb. 2019
kg m s^-2 & m /s s * kg <=> kg m/s^2
21 feb. 2019
15 feb. 2019
Det kan finnas en chans, vuxenutbildning
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Li ©hs/kalle koponen. |
Med livslångt lärande avses allt lärande under en människas livstid som syftar till att utveckla hennes kunskaper och färdigheter inom privatlivet, samhällslivet, det sociala livet och arbetslivet.
Vänsterförbundets ordförande Li Andersson kan anklaga Juha Sipiläs regering för att driva en politik som leder till låglönejobb och minskad välfärd.
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(På svenska: Hun har handlat i sitt eget jobb enligt min förtroende.) |
Li är verkligen lysande, har som kraft att utstråla. Det visas ovan. Titta på denna statistik.
sivilisaation kehityshistoria,
sosiaalinen ymmärtämys
12 feb. 2019
The spesific causality between micro and macrocosm is the key
The Celts – far from being a singular mass of wilds. There were no barbarians – were made up of diverse, distinct groups who battled numerous threats, from the Romans to the Normans.
Everybody's has heard swathed in myths and legends about The Celts.
When Greek explorer Pytheas of Massalia made a voyage of exploration to Britain over 300 years before Christ, he called the native peoples Pretanike or the people of the designs because of the crazy patterns that warriors painted on their skin.
These early Britons and their neighbours in Ireland all spoke some form of Celtic language by the fifth century bc.
Their nature-mystical religious beliefs, their gods and goddesses, laws and military methods, technology and art were common to all Celtic peoples, whose settlements extended from Galatia in modern Turkey, through central and Western Europe and the British Isles, all the way to Celt-Iberia constituting Spain and Portugal.
They have been even here in Finland.
But the Celts were intensely independent and tribal. Even within Britain, a host of separate and distinct tribes zealously guarded their ancestral territories, ruled by kings whose ultimate legitimacy was based on divine descent. The priest-magicians who guided these kings and their tribal peoples, the Druids, were described by Julius Caesar as having originated in Britain.
What made a Celt? The spirit of the half esoteric Christianity, said tri Rudolf Steiner.
We know very little about their culture, their music, their cultural sites. Almost everything comes from a period of decadence, Steiner continued.
The new study charts the history of the Celts. Future research will examine DNA and strontium isotopes from human bones from these sites to learn more about who built the world's megaliths, Schulz Paulsson said.
But we are still far from their cosmic understanding. This is the causality between micro and macrocosm.
Celtic peoples throughout Europe and Asia Minor shared common cultural, technological, legal and spiritual characteristics, and their languages were broadly similar.
In recent years, revisionist historians have sought to dismiss the traditional account of Celtic settlement, and indeed to disinvest the Celts as an authentic ethnicity with its own distinctive culture. No good.
There were three waves of Celtic immigrants from the continent arrived. The first one commencing around circa 400 BC. The secent wave 900 BC, were called Goidels or Gaels.
Everybody's has heard swathed in myths and legends about The Celts.
When Greek explorer Pytheas of Massalia made a voyage of exploration to Britain over 300 years before Christ, he called the native peoples Pretanike or the people of the designs because of the crazy patterns that warriors painted on their skin.
These early Britons and their neighbours in Ireland all spoke some form of Celtic language by the fifth century bc.
Their nature-mystical religious beliefs, their gods and goddesses, laws and military methods, technology and art were common to all Celtic peoples, whose settlements extended from Galatia in modern Turkey, through central and Western Europe and the British Isles, all the way to Celt-Iberia constituting Spain and Portugal.
They have been even here in Finland.
But the Celts were intensely independent and tribal. Even within Britain, a host of separate and distinct tribes zealously guarded their ancestral territories, ruled by kings whose ultimate legitimacy was based on divine descent. The priest-magicians who guided these kings and their tribal peoples, the Druids, were described by Julius Caesar as having originated in Britain.
What made a Celt? The spirit of the half esoteric Christianity, said tri Rudolf Steiner.
We know very little about their culture, their music, their cultural sites. Almost everything comes from a period of decadence, Steiner continued.
The new study charts the history of the Celts. Future research will examine DNA and strontium isotopes from human bones from these sites to learn more about who built the world's megaliths, Schulz Paulsson said.
But we are still far from their cosmic understanding. This is the causality between micro and macrocosm.
Celtic peoples throughout Europe and Asia Minor shared common cultural, technological, legal and spiritual characteristics, and their languages were broadly similar.
In recent years, revisionist historians have sought to dismiss the traditional account of Celtic settlement, and indeed to disinvest the Celts as an authentic ethnicity with its own distinctive culture. No good.
There were three waves of Celtic immigrants from the continent arrived. The first one commencing around circa 400 BC. The secent wave 900 BC, were called Goidels or Gaels.
10 feb. 2019
Tabu i ljuset av arkivkällor
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Fest för finländska SS-män i Tammerfors i november 1943. |
De finska SS-männens gärningar på östfronten har både tystats ner och förskönats i långa tider.
Enligt Riksarkivets generaldirektör Jussi Nuorteva var de finländska SS-frivilligas främsta drivkraft upplevelserna från vinterkriget och det hot som Sovjetunionen utgjorde mot vårt land.
Få lät sig värvas till SS för att i första hand erövra Lebensraum åt Tyskland.
Sant att det källmaterial som stått till förfogande ger ändå ingen detaljerad information om enskilda händelser eller om de direkt ansvariga. Dock brev och dokument rörande de 1400 finländska SS-männen visar att de skulle ha deltagit i några krigsförbrytelser.
De var inblandade i stor galenskap - och fick order från krigsförbrytare.
Det sägas att Röda Valpo förhörde om ex-SS-män. Utfrågningarna var tuffa och kunde ha varit känt för tortyr.
Detta bör finnas i Valpos arkivkällor.
sivilisaation kehityshistoria
7 feb. 2019
Notera varandra
isen jorden finns sprickbildning.
Men medeltemperaturen på Jorden ökar fortsätta lite. Det ska komma världens glaciärer att smälta alltmer.
Det ska leda främst till två saker av global betydelse. Den ena kommer härfrån: smältvattnet fyller på haven med extra vatten och att havsytan därför stiger, och sen andra effekten är att glaciärerna på sikt kommer att bli mindre, finns klart.
Var det för att skratta åt vårt svåra belägenhet?
isen jorden finns sprickbildning.
Men medeltemperaturen på Jorden ökar fortsätta lite. Det ska komma världens glaciärer att smälta alltmer.
Det ska leda främst till två saker av global betydelse. Den ena kommer härfrån: smältvattnet fyller på haven med extra vatten och att havsytan därför stiger, och sen andra effekten är att glaciärerna på sikt kommer att bli mindre, finns klart.
Var det för att skratta åt vårt svåra belägenhet?
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